GIJoeBob's blog


Shared on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 14:03

No Matter What You Do

You will never be as cool as this.



Shared on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 14:03

No Matter What You Do

You will never be as cool as this.



Shared on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 17:21

Mac OS X - Great for Video

I'm a Mac guy and I have the same old tired Mac vs. Windows conversations all the time. I tell people that one of the Macs strong points is an easy and powerful set of tools for editing and producing your own digital movies. 

Now days, they Windows folks quickly replay "Yeah, but JoeBob, we have that too with Vista. Our videos are awesome!"

Yep, they are awesome alright. Just like this little gem produced by the monks in Redmond:


Shared on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 17:21

Mac OS X - Great for Video

I'm a Mac guy and I have the same old tired Mac vs. Windows conversations all the time. I tell people that one of the Macs strong points is an easy and powerful set of tools for editing and producing your own digital movies. 

Now days, they Windows folks quickly replay "Yeah, but JoeBob, we have that too with Vista. Our videos are awesome!"

Yep, they are awesome alright. Just like this little gem produced by the monks in Redmond:


Shared on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 17:09

C'etait Un Rendezvous

I read about this and had to find it. Freakin' awesome!


C'etait Un Rendezvous -- the adrenaline-filled brainchild of director
Claude Lelouch, filmed in 1976. It's nine minutes of uncut, unaltered
footage shot from the front bumper of a car racing through Paris at
unconscionable speeds in the wee hours of an August morning.

There are zillions of rumors swirling around this one, some say the
car is a Ferrari 275 GTB Lelouch had just purchased, others insist it


Shared on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 17:09

C'etait Un Rendezvous

I read about this and had to find it. Freakin' awesome!


C'etait Un Rendezvous -- the adrenaline-filled brainchild of director
Claude Lelouch, filmed in 1976. It's nine minutes of uncut, unaltered
footage shot from the front bumper of a car racing through Paris at
unconscionable speeds in the wee hours of an August morning.

There are zillions of rumors swirling around this one, some say the
car is a Ferrari 275 GTB Lelouch had just purchased, others insist it


Shared on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 09:12

Wife Swapping

Cutie and I have decided to be swingers. Yep, we are ready to jump in with both feet. But we aren't going to trade off with just anyone. You have to be in a select group.  How select? How exclusive is this group? Just what do you have to do to qualify to bed CutiePie and myself?

You have to be Derek Hough and Shannon Elizabeth from Dancing with the Stars.


Shared on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 09:12

Wife Swapping

Cutie and I have decided to be swingers. Yep, we are ready to jump in with both feet. But we aren't going to trade off with just anyone. You have to be in a select group.  How select? How exclusive is this group? Just what do you have to do to qualify to bed CutiePie and myself?

You have to be Derek Hough and Shannon Elizabeth from Dancing with the Stars.


Shared on Sat, 04/19/2008 - 07:05

Traffic Ticket

I got a ticket for an expired inspection sticker.

While I was in the Taco Bell drive-through.

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