Bluestar's blog


Shared on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 18:48

Workout Routines



Shared on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 14:04

It's not a cat

I'm beggining to think we got a cat  instead of a dog.  The little one sleeps on his back, lies on top of the pillows on the couch looking out the window, and meows.  Oh well, at least he doesn't make me sneeze.  These two are quite the pair, sleeping all day and night to jump on us at 5:30 am and run around wrestling with each other.  What's it like to sleep in again?



Shared on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 14:04

It's not a cat

I'm beggining to think we got a cat  instead of a dog.  The little one sleeps on his back, lies on top of the pillows on the couch looking out the window, and meows.  Oh well, at least he doesn't make me sneeze.  These two are quite the pair, sleeping all day and night to jump on us at 5:30 am and run around wrestling with each other.  What's it like to sleep in again?



Shared on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 10:37

Toby & Duke

Well it looks like I got roped in to extending the family.  The application we had put into a rescue had gotten approved after we adopted Duke, and the rescue organization had liked us so much they wanted to forgo the home visit before the adoption.  Since having Duke we've found he gets really, really excited when he sees another dog.  He's not too bright and thinks that every dog he sees should love him from the start.  But when another dog gets aggressive with him he tends to ignore them and wander off.


Shared on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 10:37

Toby & Duke

Well it looks like I got roped in to extending the family.  The application we had put into a rescue had gotten approved after we adopted Duke, and the rescue organization had liked us so much they wanted to forgo the home visit before the adoption.  Since having Duke we've found he gets really, really excited when he sees another dog.  He's not too bright and thinks that every dog he sees should love him from the start.  But when another dog gets aggressive with him he tends to ignore them and wander off.


Shared on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 08:05


Not much of a blogger myself because my life is pretty boring.  I've little interest in hearing about my work and I don't think others want to hear it either.  But I decided to include this one anyway.  With the death of my xbox for a short time, we decided in our boredom to start looking at getting a dog.  We are moving into a condo in June, and need something that can handle being in an apartment.  We had originally thought about getting a puppy and had put in an application on one, but while we were waiting, we stumbled across pictures of a little Beagle/Basset hound in a pound in Aurora


Shared on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 08:05


Not much of a blogger myself because my life is pretty boring.  I've little interest in hearing about my work and I don't think others want to hear it either.  But I decided to include this one anyway.  With the death of my xbox for a short time, we decided in our boredom to start looking at getting a dog.  We are moving into a condo in June, and need something that can handle being in an apartment.  We had originally thought about getting a puppy and had put in an application on one, but while we were waiting, we stumbled across pictures of a little Beagle/Basset hound in a pound in Aurora

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