

Shared on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 12:19

Gears of War 2 & 3

played some gears of war 2 and 3 campaign and some hord mode last night with mr white, damn it i forgot how much fun those games were. we are just starting act 3 on insane on gears 2, holy crap lol

if anyone wants in on some fun send me a fr


Shared on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 08:11

Twitch Streaming & Youtube Gaming problems. The struggle is

What's up good people.

I've recently started a youtube & twitch channel in hopes of creating some fun and interesting content and sharing mine and my friends level of retardism with the rest of the world. And to hop on the bandwagon. Everyones doing why not. I mean I like to play games, so if there are people interested in watching people play games...


So I keep running into problems. Which is normal. Nothing runs 100% smoothly. But I need some input.


Shared on Mon, 12/22/2014 - 19:56

CoinOp Coop Twitch Stream is about to start

What's up everyone!

I'm about to start up my (hopefully weekly) Twitch stream called CoinOp Coop, where a friend and I play through a classic arcade title.

Check it out.


Shared on Mon, 12/22/2014 - 08:44

My Thoughts on the Xbox One & MCC

2 1/2 years ago i walked away from gaming; it was weird as it was something that I had done since I was a little kid. At the time Halo Reach was out and I was the community manager here. I got on one night to play  reach and we found out one of our friends/team mates had cancer, everything just kind of stopped. I hated reach anyway, what made it somewhat bearable was playing with my friends, when that started to fall apart that kind of drove a stake in the heart of it all really.


Shared on Wed, 12/17/2014 - 08:57

Pre-order incentives and store-esclusive deals.

Less than a month, I believe, is Dragon Age Inquisition old. It had many seperate deals on pre-order, some better than the others. I just bought the bare edition for PS4 on release-day.

Yesterday, Bioware released all the pre-order and store-exclusive deals for Inquisition in one €9.99 package, calling it a CE-upgrade.


Shared on Tue, 12/16/2014 - 03:24

5 golden keys for Borderlands 2.

Here are the codes for five golden keys, valid for Borderlands 2 through 20/12

PlayStation 3 or PS Vita: KBCJT-R6FS3-63K9K-S3CJB-33J3X




Shared on Mon, 12/15/2014 - 18:50

Mass Effect 4 Confirmed.

Playstation UK has the goods on this new installment of the franchise, due to be published in next months magazine.

I'm already looking forward to part4. Bioware said back then that Shepard's story is told... But how can the universe be safe without Lolita Shepard? Or any Shepard for that matter. ^^

Sooo, question remains... make a new savefile or not?


Shared on Sun, 12/14/2014 - 10:54

Borderlands TPS golden keys.

These codes gives 3 golden keys, valid up until and including 12/18.

PlayStation 3: CKWBJ-FFC35-96B5J-HBCTJ-SRBFT

Redeem the code in your Shift-option for Borderlands, the Pre-sequel.


Shared on Fri, 12/12/2014 - 20:32

Aurora Trek

Continuing on my recent foray into animated or live acted fan fiction and still in the Star Trek side of things, I found this incredible effort.

The plot is simple, a little girl gets stranded in a hulk after a pirate attack. She... survives. Then, as a grown a woman, that traumatizing event has a way of catching up with her. But not as we know it...


Shared on Thu, 12/11/2014 - 12:13

Obligatory 2014 post.

You know, before 2014 is over and whatnot.

So yeah, that was cool. Nice chat.

See you in the games.


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