The Cycle

Waster Jericho

Shared on Sat, 02/28/2015 - 15:25

Fine Saturday fellow gamers. Taking a quick break and snack time before I rumble once more. Sitting on my ass for this broken ankle  to recover, has given me more time to game, and the chance to notice a trend. Do you ever find you want to play just one type of game at times and nothing else?


RPG, Shooters, racing, and all the rest of the sporting ware. Right now I'm obsessed with anything that you wield a sword or battle axe. It's seems I can't wait to get me trusty (controller) sword in me hands and slice and dice like all those food shows on TV. Lords of The Fallen, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, Ryse: Son of Rome, (my fave at the moment!), Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and the beat goes on. One day was nothing but football, and then the swords calleth me bloody name!!


I was simply wondering if any of you go through cycles such as these and how long they last with you. My current one is just over a week old as of this writing.

Keep Those Tires Lit,

Waster jericho from the wastelandcool


Oldschool 2o4f's picture
Submitted by Oldschool 2o4f on Thu, 03/26/2015 - 12:07

I dunno. I been racing since 2010, maybe it'll wear off soon?

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