Sharing Issues


Shared on Fri, 03/13/2009 - 13:49

I have a problem with sharing. Sharing my wireless bandwidth that is. I've recently noticed serious lag on my 360 since moving it to my homemade wireless adapter (see a couple of blogs ago). I usually play while my laptop is on and have not seen any problems. BUT, if the kids laptop is connected I'll see enormous ping spikes on my laptop and my xbox will show a single red bar and it will be laggy as hell. Not good when you are trying to avoid a Tank in Left4Dead.  P2P file sharing over a wireless connection does not appear to play nice with gaming. So I ordered another $25 router. The new router is an N and the same model as my existing primary router. Using DD-WRT I'll convert it to a wireless adapter so I'll have N speeds between the xbox and the primary router and I'll take my existing wireless adapter router and set it to be a normal router and point the laptops to it. This way I won't have any leeching of gaming bandwidth!

I also discovered another advantage to using a router as a wireless adapter. Since it has four ports in the back, I've connected both my 360 and Xbox Media Center to it. I don't believe DD-WRT can handle two devices in wireless adapter mode but that's not a problem for me, either the 360 is on or the XBMC is on at any given time so there is no conflict.


GRIPIAN's picture
Submitted by GRIPIAN on Thu, 03/26/2009 - 10:37
Wireless in nice... but I have my 360, PS3, and WII. Hardwired to Ethernet. Out of a D-link gaming router.(Cable/Roadrunner-high speed) Also have a desktop/2 laptops/printer feeding on the wireless connection. Most all of my online gaming, is seem less. With ALL wireless products connected, I sometimes have issues with game play.Its rare 4 me, 2 be running all connections at the same time. I have been VERY pleased with this set-up. As, I have tried quite a few different routers/connections.. If a wireless connection could some how, meet or exceed this... I for sure, would be w/o wires! Let me know if you master it!
GRIPIAN's picture
Submitted by GRIPIAN on Thu, 03/26/2009 - 11:09
I forgot to mention... for the stingy ... The d-link router, dedicates primary bandwidth, to the gaming consoles. Every thing else slows down first! Just don't tell your family! HA!
GRIPIAN's picture
Submitted by GRIPIAN on Thu, 03/26/2009 - 11:17
I forgot to mention... for the stingy ... The d-link router, dedicates primary bandwidth, to the gaming consoles.Set this function to ON or OFF. Every thing else slows down first! Just don't tell your family! HA!

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