Google Maps


Shared on Fri, 09/09/2011 - 22:32

One of my fellow Relics told me about this, and I verified it is 100% true (which makes even more fucking hilarious). Go to Google Maps, and enter the following address: "1760 Northwest 66th Street, Miami, FL". Zoom in & go to Street View, then pan around... yes, that IS what you think it is, your eyes are NOT deceiving you.

You're welcome.


Nochnoi-Dozor's picture
Submitted by Nochnoi-Dozor on Fri, 09/09/2011 - 23:08
she's got that "OH SHIT! I THINK I FORGOT SOMETHING" look going.
Nochnoi-Dozor's picture
Submitted by Nochnoi-Dozor on Fri, 09/09/2011 - 23:22
check out "1413 Elgin Ave, Winnipeg, MB, Canada", you'll know it when you see it.
VengefulJedi's picture
Submitted by VengefulJedi on Fri, 09/09/2011 - 23:33
That's awesome! Zoom in close enough, though, and you can see they're not actually doing THAT. LMAO!

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