

Shared on Sat, 06/05/2010 - 11:37

You ever have those super realistic dreams that play like a movie?  Of course you do.  I'm sure everyone has interesting, weird dreams.  Well the stories projected in my head when I sleep can be REALLY disturbing, and I have no idea what, or why some of the dreams I have happen.  I just woke up from another doozy, its fresh on my mind, so I'm gonna "dream journal blog it.

I was living in a two story house....married,(but in reality I didn't know anyone in the dream--just a bunch of what I call "dream extra's").    Anyway we go to visit the neighbor across the street, but no one is home and the door is unlocked, so we (about 4 random people) go in and start looking around only to find the neighbor's family brutally murdered in different rooms throughout the house, and the husband/father was not there.  Skip to another scene....the father/husband getting off work, going to his car talking on the cell phone about canceling the cable company visit to his house.  Now cut to me and my house.....everyone is freaking out about the neighbors, and we suddenly realize that our children have been missing for a while...then my dream teenage daughter comes home.....sneaking in to try not to draw attention to her.....she goes in her bedroom and screams....we all go running to see what she is screaming about...(and its the typical fake movie type scare) her room was all messy!!!  So we decide to go upstairs to check on the rest of the children....and here is where it gets all fucked up......get upstairs and suddenly the walls start breathing, and all these hands and arms start coming out of the walls trying to grab at us as we walk by....I follow one hand trying to grab me....and it goes back in the wall....the dream camera then swoops down and follows the hand as it disappears from the wall, and then on the other side of the wall was packed shoulder to shoulder all these bald, dirty, bloody vampire 'children of the fly' type kids all yelling, crying and screaming trying to get out, or get us.  And I had this over boding feeling that the father/husband was on his way home to kill us.

The dream even had a soundtrack...


Then Durty woke me up!!!!!  I'm thinking about taking some of my older fucked up dreams I've had, and this one, and write short stories.....maybe my dreams can produce another Stephen King!!!! 

Anyway, good morning 2o2p!!! Have a lovely weekend

-The Sick One


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