The "NEW" NHL?


Shared on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 10:32

So my question is this: Will the referees in the new NHL allow the teams to actually play, or will the playoff games be subject to the ticky-tack bullshit calls that have plagued the NHL this year? I am an old-school hockey fan. I truly love the old saying that I went to a fight, and a hockey game broke out. I understand that the big-wigs up stairs wanted to appeal to a broader audience, but they really screwed the pooch in my opinion. You want to attract new viewers, but you cant get a contract done, and we lose hockey for 1 year. HMMMMmmm. Lost some there. Then you re-negotiate your TV contract and put a vast majority of your games on some fledgling cable channel that NOONE has. Hmmmmmm lost some there. Then you re-schedule your all-star game to some wonky day and time, and put it on that same channel that NOONE has. Hmmmmm lost some more there.

Spread within all that negativity, I do like some of the changes that were made. I like the touch up offsides, I like the new icing procedures, dont care too much for the goalie trapezoid, but dont hate it either, and I love the elimination of the 2 line pass. The interference and hooking calls need to be a little less stringent. If my stick just happens to knick your elbow, and you stutter just a step, HOOKING 2 minutes. Saw way toooo many games this year be decided by some bullshit penalty resulting in a powerplay goal.

Not a huge fan of the shootout either. But it appears as if that is going to be staying.




Blue_Stiehl's picture
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 10:39
While I like being able to watch the good skaters move, I miss the old days. Back when the Red Wings were called the Dead Wings, we had the Bruise Brothers and Hack and Whack. And who can forget Reed Larson and the Black and Blue Division?
LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 11:01
GO RED WINGS!!!! Your right, I miss the days of working in the corners, fighting for your team mates.

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