First blog ever...


Shared on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 14:25
Ok, as the title states this is my first blog ever.  To be honest though the topic wasnt what I had thought I would write about, but such is life.  Going to give you all some information and then ask for a bit of feedback and dont be afraid to be critical if you feel its called for.

Situation is this:  I am a divorced father with custody of my 4 year old son.  My ex has "reasonable visitation" which in the state I live in generally means every other weekend and 2 weeks in the summer.  We live about 20 miles apart in the same general area.  To avoid any bias for those of you who choose to respond that is all the information Ill give out.  Here are the questions:

1) For those of you who have step-kids or are divorced parents yourselves,  does the non-custodial parent pick up and drop the child off when they have their visitation?  It was always my understanding that the non-custodial parent was responsible for getting their child and bringing them back.  Yes? No?

2)  If the custodial parent agrees to meet somewhere to pick the child up when visitation is over is it an unreasonable request that the non-custodial parent contact the custodial parent and give a time and place more than a few hours in advance, like say calling the night before to set up the drop off. 

For those of you who can read between the lines Ive had issues with my ex over the two above questions.  I had always said that I didnt want to be "one of those" divorced couples who hate each other and have a hard time being civil, but it seems our relationship seems to be deteriorating and its hard to always be the "nice one" who gives in all the time while asking for very little in return. 

Anyway next blog will be something a little more less serious.  Thanks for listening.

 - Raider30


jtgjr007's picture
Submitted by jtgjr007 on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 14:41
My brother and his wife are recently divorced, and she has primary custody of their two girls. My brother lives about 60 miles away from her and he has to do all of the driving to pick up and drop off the girls. Im not sure if thats by law or just to avoid any nasty confrontations. I try not to get in the middle since my wife and I are still friends with his ex.
BigpunishrsWife's picture
Submitted by BigpunishrsWife on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 14:59
Hey Raider, Did you have an attorney for all this crap? Is it possible to check with him/her? Or maybe even do some internet research on your state laws. I think that a judge would push for the two parties coming to a decision together, but I believe (in Illinois) that the non-custodial parent would be the one dropping off and picking up. As far as the 2nd part, shes just being a pain in the ass. Unfortunately, the only thing you could do is take it to court and have it placed into an order that she give you a better notice then just a couple hours. Then if she doesnt comply she can be held in contempt of the order. My husband and I have to deal with this stuff with his ex all the time. She just does this kind of crap to have a feeling of control - over a situation she has no control of....make sense? It comes down to, what can you tolerate and what is just plain not going to happen. Good luck! PM me with any frustrations...I totally understand.

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