Finished another game!


Shared on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 09:16
Hiyas folks,

Well actually I finished it a few weeks ago.  Dungeons and Dragons Heroes for xbox.  It wasn't a bad game.  Pretty much what I expected.  I just wanted to get it done so I could move on to something else.  That something else is Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls.  After diving into this game for the past week or so I dont' think this one will be so quick to finish.  I ordered the guidebook via Amazon and it came in the other day so I think that will help in a few areas.  Its definitely fun though and after playing it I can see why people were nuts over Oblivion, especially if Oblivion has better graphics and gameplay.  So to my clan DivXX and my other H2 friends thats where I've been the past couple weeks.  I promise I'll try to get back and play some H2 as soon as Thanksgiving is over.

I also picked up the demo for Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.  Target had some demo discs for .99 and I figured it was worth less hassle for me to spend a dollar on a demo disc than to have to spend forever downloading it.  Well that was a wasted dollar.  I really didn't care for that game.  Yeah I know it was just a demo but still, it just wasn't any fun for me.  I grew up on the original Might and Magic game playing it on my Commodore 64.  I love the fact that the original came with map paper and so you could have all your maps for the different areas all nice and neat.  Very sweet.  If anyone knows where I can get that game and more importantly make it run on my current system(WinXp, 3.2mhz) please let me know.  A few years ago I picked up Might and Magic 6, and it contained several of the previous M&M games on it.  At the time I had an AMD Athlon 750mhz on Win98SE and the program for M&M 1, the only one I really wanted to play, wouldn't run on it.

Alright signing off now to go play some Elder Scrolls.


CofC's picture
Submitted by CofC on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 12:28
Enjoy Elder Scrolls.
ProvingUnique's picture
Submitted by ProvingUnique on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 13:08
Looked at D&D Heroes,.. what year did it come out? I enjoyed a game very similar to that one by screenshots ( Baldaurs Gate ).... I've played Oblivion( at my bro's house, he has 360 ) for a couple of hours, and thought wow, I have to try Morrowind,...! saw it @ wal-mart for 10$, bought it, figured 10$ what to loose,... the graphics were way too chopy for my tastes.... my wife is "trying" to sell it on Ebay now.
Raider30's picture
Submitted by Raider30 on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 14:58
Yeah the graphics for Elder Scrolls are a bit rough compared to some of the other stuff thats come out since. But the massive amount of stuff to do in it way outshines the choppiness for me. The one thing I really don't like is that you can't adjust the gamma setting on the game. I HATE when games won't let you do that. I get a horrible glare on my tv because of the sun from about 9am-4pm and when it becomes night in Elder Scrolls it is almost impossible to see anything even with a torch. Heroes came out in 2003. You are right it has almost the exact same gameplay as Baldaurs Gate(which I also played on the Gamecube)

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