Price gouging?


Shared on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 07:38

damn! gasoline went up big time! I got gas last night because we heard that it was gonna go up to new records,.. luckily we got it at $3.95/gal. After we ate dinner on the ride home it was up to $5.00/gal. This should be against the law,.. I mean soon it will be minimum wage. I remember when I was a teenager we would drive just to do something! Back then it was like $1.25/gal.


jonny12gauge's picture
Submitted by jonny12gauge on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 09:47
That is just plain ridiculous!
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 12:24
A gallon is 3.9something litres and you pay $5 for that and are complaining? You're in frigging wonderlands, get a grip. A litre of the damn stuff costs €2.45 overhere. Do the math yourself. But stop bitching over five lousy dollars for almost 4 litres of the damn stuff. People complain over everything.
ProvingUnique's picture
Submitted by ProvingUnique on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 13:10
I know it's more expensive everywhere else. I can complain about anything I want, for example people ragging my blog. maybe you should blog about what you consider a ridiculous blog.
NormalGuy's picture
Submitted by NormalGuy on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 13:23
Amen PU. @CC, my understanding is that gasoline in Europe and elsewhere costs more b/c it is taxed by the government officials that are chosen by the people. Our gas costs more b/c some corporation with no direct accountability to the people decided to charge more. Quite a different circumstance. NG

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