yay doggies


Shared on Sun, 09/03/2006 - 13:18

So my girlfriend and I are getting a puppy at the end of October. We're getting a Boxer and we're super excited about it. Well... the other weekend we went to take a look at the parents. Well the mom was incredibley pregnant...

super pregnant mommy

and the dad was just HUGE

I swear this guy is built like a brick wall.

I can't wait... we may be getting an all white guy, with brindle patches around his eyes... but we will see... in other news... I haven't gotten to play anything on Live in forever... Why in gods name has this happened you ask?(okay... you probably don't ask that... but you should)... well, because wireless sucks butt for Live. I need to go buy myself about 100ft of CAT5 so I can wire up my apartment and get my 360 online again...  I miss Halo 2... and I wanna play some Hold'Em too..


And now... more doggy pictures.

my girlfriend and the mommy doggy.

girlfriend and doggy daddy


and that is all for now...

In the next installation of my bloggy-blog I will probably have up pictures of some mods I'll be doing shortly... I think I'm gonna mod my NES & DreamCast tonight or tomorrow... so that should be interesting.


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