Corporate America...

Oldschool 2o4f

Shared on Thu, 09/13/2012 - 05:58

I have a guy in town and have to commit time from 7am till noon with him today and HR has a mandatory meeting at 8:30am, the alternate is same day at 7am....


CProRacing's picture
Submitted by CProRacing on Thu, 09/13/2012 - 08:35

Sounds like where I work.

Oldschool 2o4f's picture
Submitted by Oldschool 2o4f on Thu, 09/13/2012 - 13:10

Now Church, when  you say work...

CProRacing's picture
Submitted by CProRacing on Sat, 09/15/2012 - 10:20

Ok the place where I go away from home to go on here angel

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