survival/horror games


Shared on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 18:56

i'm starting to dig horror games, just finished Fear2. rented it Saturday afternoon finished it Monday evening. there were some great moment in the game, perticularly the ending and the interactive cut-scene where you blow the guys head off with his own shotgun, the look on his face was fuk'n priceless..and throughout the whole game it had these flashback moments that were very reminescent of TheRing, it was intresting..

although Fear2 was good it still wasnt as good as DeadSpace, next game im going to rent will either be ResidentEvil5 or SilentHill:Homecoming. I've already messaged a few people on my friends list to play ResEv5 through co-op so im going to try my damndest to rent that through a survival/action horror game should be a blast.

I have my doubts about SilentHill, the last one i played was TheRoom and i just couldnt bring myself to play all the way through it. im hopeful this one will be different and keep my interest :)

i tried, i really tried to enjoy a 1st person shooter.. i just cant, every time i play one it feels just like Quake or UnrealTournament. i guess pc gaming has soured my on them and i doubt ill ever enjoy playing them again, thank goodness third person shooters are more popular then 1st..




TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 19:50
There' s plenty to choose from. Have you tried COndemned 1 or 2? I just finished playing Alone in the Dark, it was pretty interesting. The gameplay was a bit questionable at times but I dug the storyline. I'm waiting to pick up RE5 later. I didn't really like the gameplay in the demo but i've seen a lot more of the game now and think maybe i can deal with it, we'll see. But i'm not going to pay 60 bucks for it and i have too many other games in my rack right now to justify buying anything else when i've got 5 or so that i haven't even unwrapped. :lol: Darkness was also pretty good though not really horror, kind of but not quite. I'm not sure i'd call Re5 horror or not, i think i'd call it zombie.
Prof_Rockwell's picture
Submitted by Prof_Rockwell on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 15:02
yeah, I've heard good things about the Condemned series as well. Dead Space was flippin' sweet though, my first 1000/1000 game!
Prof_Rockwell's picture
Submitted by Prof_Rockwell on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 15:03
P.S. - with each new vid/screenshot, I'm really thinking about jumping on the LP2 bandwagon. the 4-player co-op campaign really interests me.

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