Random thoughts of a bored guy


Shared on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 14:39

Yahoo, its Friday!  Got some good stuff planned this weekend.  Tomorrow is some shopping then we're dropping off the kids and going out with my wife's bro and his wife for dinner and then to see Rambo.  Totally excited!  Sunday is of course the big game but I don't know for sure what we're doing yet.

As I sit here waiting for the weekend to start I thought I'd share some of my random thoughts with you all.  Enjoy.

Man, I freaking LOVE ramen noodles.  Nothing is better on a cold, snowy day than a big bowl of noodles.  I love them so much, I thought of a little song.  "Oh yeah ramen, you're hella delicious and I freaking love you". 

Selling crap on eBay is a huge pain in the ass.  I'm currently liquidating a bunch of my old action figures and getting decent cash.  But listing and all the fees and shipping and fielding stupid questions from potential buyers is so lame.  If I get one more "how much is your combined shipping discount?" question I'm gonna rage on someone.  ITS ON THE FREAKING PAGE PEOPLE, LEARN TO READ!!

Snow pisses me off.  But not as much as the people who can't drive in it.

Made some crazy delish chocolate chip cookies last night.  My wife made the first batch and they were all normal sized.  I made the last few batches and they are super monster cookies.  My wife got mad for wasting the dough but I'm of the opinion that they all go to the same place anyway so what's the big whoop?  If I could make one huge king kong sized cookie I would.

My favorite show on TV, LOST, came back on last night.  So stoked that this show is back on.  Its really the only show that has kept me completely engaged and wanting more since the beginning.  Loved the season premiere last night and I can't wait for the season to really get going to see what happens next.

Taxes are done and filed.  Just waiting for the return.  The extra cash will be nice, although its pretty much already all allocated so don't know how many new "toys" I can get this time.  At least they are finished and I don't have to pay anything so I'm thankful for that.

The game/movie room is close to completion.  Got my surround speakers last week and I'm getting the sub probably next week.  Then its just all got to be installed and I'm ready to rock.  Also finally decided on the movie posters and frames to adorn the walls.  My wife actually got excited about some of the posters and even helped pick out a couple.  My man cave is almost a reality....now if I can just get the wife's girly stuff out it'll be perfect.

Work sucked this week...nothing but problems.  But we finally got the big issues resolved yesterday afternoon so hopefully it will be a quiet weekend with no escalation calls.

Well, I'm tired now from sharing so much.  Time to knock off work early and go relax a bit.  Maybe play a few games before the family gets home.  Oh, I also got a sweet movie on Netflix today that I've been looking forward to seeing called "Sunshine".  Some kind of sci-fi thriller about a group of people traveling to the sun to reignite it and they run into strange happenings.  Heard it was cool and I can't wait to check it out.  Have a great weekend y'all and maybe I'll see you online.  Peace!


h8z_u_all's picture
Submitted by h8z_u_all on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 14:57
Snow does suck; and no one knows how to drive in it in utah lol........

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