Health care


Shared on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 14:35

I apologize for the recent increase in political complaint blogs.  Normally I just like to post stupid shit but some things are just really getting to me.  Read this article:


It's those god damn rich people again! How dare they go to the doctor and pay their own fucking doctor bills.  Or even worse, keep themselves healthy so they don't have to go to the doctor. We need to come up with some way to make them pay for everyone else's doctor bills.  Hey, I know, how about 'insurance pools'!!!!


I know this bullshit health care reform shit is old news, but this is the first time I've heard a lobbyist come out and say "“To some degree, requiring the (healthy) uninsured to have coverage is simply bringing them into the system to cross-subsidize the people that already have coverage.”"  I mean, let's not even try and hide it any more. Why not just cut out the middleman--when someone goes to the doctor, find a random name of someone who doesn't go to the doctor and send them the bill!


ImaginaryEngr76's picture
Submitted by ImaginaryEngr76 on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 16:01
Isn't this the same basic principle as auto insurance, or hell, any other insurance for that matter? Everyone who drives has to have auto insurance, whether you've used it in the last 15 years or not. That, theoretically, keeps premiums down overall as an average. I'm not passing judgement for or against this plan, just stating my observation that this, in general, seems work the same way any other insurance plan works.
FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ's picture
Submitted by FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 18:39
I try to stay out of this kinda stuff, but this is some of the scariest crap ever. Over time this gives the government control over everything we put into out bodies from food and drink to inoculations we may not want or need that have not been properly tested(H1N1). Write and call your state congressman and senators as well as your Governor because the amount of power the Federal Gov't is stealing from the people can only be stopped if the States take back the powers originally given to them. The people stealing it ain't gonna listen.
GroovyElm's picture
Submitted by GroovyElm on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 19:32
I say we ditch the health care system as it stands now and all use voodoo to cure diseases.
CarterDavidov's picture
Submitted by CarterDavidov on Thu, 07/09/2009 - 03:47
Um, we have government healthcare and all its flaws. It would be a hellish long comment if I were to name them all, but I can say the government does not force me to take a flu shot.
FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ's picture
Submitted by FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ on Thu, 07/09/2009 - 18:34
Yet... I am not saying it will happen. I am saying it can very easily lead to the State denying health care to those that have note met a certain level of predetermined requirements. A certain level of requirements decided by a group of people with a 15% approval rating (give or take) that vote on unread bills and cant keep track of all the debt they are forcing on me and my family. Sorry no thanks. All powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for the states.
Claude505's picture
Submitted by Claude505 on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 15:28
This is probably the most dangerous bill that we have seen in a very long time. The whole cap and tax scam is dumb. But, when it really starts to fail, that bill can be undone. This health care reform will be a permanent move. If it passes, you'll never be able to undo it because you will be "taking something away". You will be taking health care away from the uninsurable and the poor. And, politically, that would be death for anyone that voted to repeal it. So... every election cycle, we will hear the Dems promising more coverage, better healthcare, etc because everyone will be pissed about how bad our healthcare has become. And, you'll have the Republicans saying that it's not fiscally responsible to do so. It is the ultimate perpetuation of the class warfare bullshit that the Dems create. One last thing... Don't forget that Congress is opting themselves out of this plan. It's been said many times, but, I don't know that anyone has really heard.

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