

Shared on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 23:52

Been busy as hell lately with haven't had much gaming time. 

On other notes.........helped the neighbors set up a volleyball net for tomorrows block party.....should be a GREAT time.....had a blast playing tonight.

Fathers day..........missing the hell out of my dad who has been gone 3 years July 9th due to that fucking disease called cancer............may that disease rot in hell.........there will never be a more amazing man than him.  Came from Italy when he was 16/17, worked as a tailor and then at American Motors for almost 40 years starting as a sweeper and then on the assembly line.  Never bitched about all the hours he worked as long as he was supporting the family..........the real American Dream come alive.........fuck cancer.........

As far as me........doing a lot of driving for work.  Looking at pics of my dad makes me not want to bitch at all about my job and makes me more determined than ever to start my own company and really make dads American Dream come alive.  Seeing his photos have given me that extra determination to do it and kick ass......

Last but not is good, no matter how 'bad' I think it may be at times.............sometimes it's the little things that make you have to take a step back and really appreciate what you is good........still breathing and still kicking ass............and you should be too in your own way...........



Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 00:11
Glad you're doing well sir. Keep kicking ass.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 09:17
Good to hear from you Mike.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 09:17
Good to hear from you Mike.
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 10:07
Sounds like you are keeping busy dude. That was a touching eulogy for your dad. It is good to hear you get some comfort from his memory although I am sorry for your loss. I rarely get to game anymore either although I don't do half the stuff you do. How do you find time for it all?
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 10:26
And in reference to azz kicken... I know you are not an Obama fan but check this vid out: Even better...look up the one they did on the Charlie Sheen winning interview!

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