Titles suck


Shared on Wed, 03/07/2012 - 15:32

Well its been awhile since I've been around here as much as I currently am. While looking at my old blog posts kind of depressing on how fast your life can change. Which brings me on to my next point, divorces are just a ruthless and soul numbing experience. While I am trying to embrace my "new" path life has taken me, I find that getting out there isn't what it was when I was younger.


The plus side is I can play my games to my hearts whim or until I pass out and take myself to work the next day. Currently have been playing SSX, Street Fighter X Tekken, and keeping up on my Soul Calibur 5 skills. SSX I have alot of fun with, but I treat it as my I am only going to play for 30 minutes to an hour game. SF X T I had high hopes for but they have fallen short, I had hoped it would wet my appetite for Tekken until Tekken Tag 2 comes out on console.


Work has been going well for me as a temp on a contract that was supposed to be 6 months (4 months ago). I have been keeping busy and have stuff stacking up due to not having the same help that I did with the little tasks like when I started. While there was a possilibity of them hiring me on it is looking slim as the company is now going to be sold and one potential buy has a massive IT data center and I refuse to move as I couldn't live with out seeing my children on a regular basis. Oh well I always assume the worst, one of my biggest flaws I guess. I'll just take it day to day and if the boat starts rocking I can bail as I am only just a temp. Though I really like the 30 minute drive I have here.


badmin's picture
Submitted by badmin on Wed, 03/07/2012 - 16:49

That's all you can do.  Look on the bright side of things.  More time to game!

megatek's picture
Submitted by megatek on Wed, 03/07/2012 - 22:45

Very true.

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