Supreme Court ruling on CA video game law.


Shared on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 15:54

Bravo! Well done and a dozen other positive things I could say in this particular instance.


Why would anyone think it is a good idea to put the responsibility to what your own children can or cannot see into the hands of some random person at a video game store.


Really? Has life become that difficult that you cannot take 30 seconds to read the game rating on box you are about to purchase and find out that game has violence and or tits showing in it?

How about you take 10 minutes out of your hectic life, get on the internet watch a few videos of the game play. Then as a "supposedly" grown up and responsible for the outcome of the nut you busted in your better half (or adopted/IVF/late pull out) make a decision based on your personal views or beliefs.

(IMHO) why should someone that is not the parent or legally responsible for the child be the one to "police" what children get to buy. (as far as entertainment is concerned).

Every game comes with a game rating.

It takes less then 30 seconds to search the web and find out what the ratings mean.

It takes less then less then 30 seconds to read the warnings on the game itself to make a decision to understand hey this game has violence or bewbs..maybe both.

Parents need to be the responsible one for deciding if their children should be buying this game or not.

Can you image the uproar that their would be if a child went to a supermarket to buy food and they bought some chips or cookies and the cashier refused to sell them to the kid because processed food may or may not lead to obesity or weight gain..

Government officials need to stop making it look like the entertainment industry is the cause for every evil on the planet.

Be a damn parent and PARENT. Don't let someone else be responsible for your parenting.


Then you will a group of people saying, well how do I know what my kid is playing/watching. He/she is 15 and they buy their own games..My response to that is..

Be a damn parent and PARENT. Don't let someone else be responsible for your parenting.


Again I say well done Supreme least this time.


Just as a little back ground on me..I have 4yr twins (one boy one girl) so anyone thinking, wtf does this guy know, he probably does not have kids.

Hell just because I have kids does not make me anymore or anyless of an authority on the subject. I can "relate" slightly more then some people, but I still think people that may not have kids will still understand my point. Then again nothing really surprises me at the level of stupidity that happens in today's society. (that is another topic for another time)



Also on a side note, this is an example of how a member on the site can post a political view or rant on this site and not break the TOS. Double blog usage FTFW!


ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 16:08
Thing is shouldn't this apply for movies as well?
FreynApThyr's picture
Submitted by FreynApThyr on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 16:08
Fuck off Twat.
FreynApThyr's picture
Submitted by FreynApThyr on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 16:09
That's blatant disregard of the TOS, just as a counter-example. And Nice blog LB.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 16:21
yes Ek I think it should. I can see how the same thing would apply.
Double T's picture
Submitted by Double T on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 22:13
If you don't want your kid to cut someone in half with a chainsaw, don't fucking by a chainsaw.... Gears of War didn't put that in my head either... Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Video games don't kill people, Warcraft kills people's social lives....MWA HA HA. /end rant I really wish whoever is wasting the supreme court's time and money on this would try to make different domestic policy with the nations budget...
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 23:17
agreed Tactr.

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