grilling burgers


Shared on Sun, 07/29/2012 - 17:47

So yesterday I tried to mix up some fixin's to grill some burgers for dinner. I decided on trying to do some stuffed burgers so below are the ingredients I used to make the burgers.


1 lb ground sirloin

1/3 lb ground pork


worcestershire sauce


garlic salt

Italian seasoning

shreaded cheeder and jack cheese


So I cooked up some bacon, chopped up the cilantro and mixed everything together (yes the Bacon is chopped and mixed in with the meat mixture) in a big ass mixing bowl. I only watned to do 2 burgers and yes they are going to be pretty damn big, but this ain't no time to be making Bunny sized burgers.


Below are the pics sort of in the order on how everything was made:





What the hell are you doing down there? Well I put the cheese on the inside of the 2 patties and if I cook them right the cheese will be meted on the inside. OMFG xx\MLG BURGER STYLEZ/xx



WHAT THE HELL IS THAT^^^^..IS THAT ANOTHER LAN CLUE OMGROFLBBQGIANTYBOOBSFTW....THAT ANSWER IS YES, YES IT IS. But those are not the only options available. Right now it is going through a review process and should be up soon...VERY, VERY SOON! NOW BACK TO FOOD PORN!




Truthfully I put in too much cilantro. I really like it, but it overpowered the taste of the meat, so next time I will use about half the amount I did. But they cooked up great and the cheese on the inside melted perfectly.


PoltegIce's picture
Submitted by PoltegIce on Sun, 07/29/2012 - 18:51

Nice looking burgers. And hurry up finalizing the pledge options!

Grex's picture
Submitted by Grex on Mon, 07/30/2012 - 10:38

Nice looking burgers.  Yah they do a look a little too green.  Maybe throw some onion in there next time.

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