

Shared on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 16:58

 ever have one of those days where you want to just yell compliments at someone for no reason at all..................................................................just to see what they do?


do you think plastic surgery has been really looked into to determine long & short term psychological & behavior changes in women that under go augmentation?


in Hell, will I have a Cubicle? or has my experience with marriage moved me into a management job when I get there?


wouldn't Deaf people make the best school bus drivers?


if two Gay men of the same clothing size get married, will there be a prenuptial agreement over clothing?


is bathroom air freshener just there to taunt my body to produce stronger smells?


is it just me or is the court system severely one sided when it comes to Child support & Alimony when a married couple divorces?




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