Thanksgiving Idea


Shared on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 15:22
Your dinner will be the talk of the TOWN!!
You should try this! Sure to bring smiles from your guests!
Here is a new way to prepare your Thanksgiving Turkey.

1. Cut out aluminum foil in desired shapes.

2. Arrange the turkey in the roasting pan, position the foil carefully.
(see picture below for details)

3. Roast according to your own recipe and serve.

4. Watch your guests' faces................


CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 15:34
Whats bad is my MIL would do this.
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Thu, 11/15/2007 - 16:04
teh funny
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 11/16/2007 - 06:38
nice damn turkey there, don't think that turkey's old enough for you cause. I don't really see much breast on it.

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