Why I sometimes drop out of sight.


Shared on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 23:15
Like many of the members of this forum, I too have problems. Not as great as some but I sometimes can't deal with mine as well as I should. At these times I will go into hibernation and just don't want to deal with others. I'm taking this opportunity to explain why even though I am NOT seeking sympathy or help, just understanding.

Almost 16 years ago, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. In 1995 I had a goiter (enlargement of the thyroid) the size of a softball behind my breast bone (sternum) removed. At first they didn't think it was cancer but further testing revealed that it was. Later that year they removed my thyroid and gave me a radioactive iodine treatment to burn remaining thyroid cells (ablation). The 30 mCI (millicuries) wasn't enough.

In 1999 I had a second ablation of 150 mCi which still wasn't enough. In 2000, a third ablation of 200 mCi was done.

In 2005, I had surgery on my right lung removing a metastatic thyroid cancer nodule removed and in 2007 one removed from my left lung.

In 2009, a radioactive iodine scan revealed two sources of cancer in my left upper chest but a CT scan could not find the source. Since then I have had several CT's and another radioactive iodine scan in 2010 confirmed the previous scan.

Another CT done today (Jan, 17, 2011)  STILL can't pinpoint the source.

One of the indicators of the thyroid cancer is a measure of thyroglobulin (tg) in my system. Only thyroid cells produce this and I should have none. The lowest it has been is around 3 and until recently, even when nodules could be seen in my lungs, it only went up to around 100-120. It is currently at 450! It's in there and unless they can find, it can't be removed.

I am very frustrated by the whole thing and really wish that I could just get on my motorcycle and leave my troubles behind.

Bottom line is that really love this forum and the people here, but sometimes I just need to bury my head in the sand and disappear for awhile. Thanks for being here when I come back.

Sorry for dumping on you good folks!


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 23:21
So did they not catch the thyroid cancer in time and it's metastasized using the lymphnods as a superhighway to migrate? Isn't normal thyroid function give you a measure of around 120? So if you have 450 it sounds like it's spread quite a bit. It could be anywhere, cancer can attach itself to anything and continue to grow like you could have thyroid cancer on your liver because it spread there. hopefully they can find where it spread to. All the best to you.
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 23:30
Ill be thinking of you Door.
selden007's picture
Submitted by selden007 on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 01:12
Prayers going out to even If that is not your thing, and will always be here for you. Stay safe and we will be here when ya need us.
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 01:48
BIG HUGS, Gunner! Keeping you in my prayers, friend!
Smithcraft's picture
Submitted by Smithcraft on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 03:11
We're here for you when you need us to be! Recently on a very cold night we had a somewhat clear sky. It was too cold to even think about enjoying it, but still it made me think about you and if you were doing ok. Best wishes! SC
DEEP_NNN's picture
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 07:04
I appreciate every time we all get together for Halo. When you're not there, it's noticed.
jtgjr007's picture
Submitted by jtgjr007 on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 09:31
Keep your head up Dude, I'm praying for you.
waterboy's picture
Submitted by waterboy on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 09:50
Hoping for the best for you and your family, Praying for some good news for you. Hail to the king!!

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