Jury duty


Shared on Thu, 09/04/2008 - 13:37

For those who have been called, I sympathize.  Today was the third time I had been scheduled to report for jury duty.  This was the last time I could be called.  Each time I scheduled time off from work and each time I was called the night before telling me I was not needed.  Except for today.  So, I show up at the court house and sign in and then called into the court room with the others in the jury pool.  Only to have the judge come out of his chambers and tell us that we won't be having a trial because the defendant had fled and jumped bail. This would have been a drug case and the kid fled.  Damn, how is his public defender going to get him out of the charges now? (LOL)  But, my time is done and I won't have the chance to hear this case or any other for at least another year before I'm eligible to be called again.

I can already hear the masses (no, not you Mass:)) "why didn't you try and get out of it?"  Well, I probably could have just through my job.  But, I decided  a long time ago that one of the most important things I can do for my fellow man is to be available for jury.  My reason is this.  If for some reason, I have to go to court, hopefully as a plaintiff, I want people on the jury hwho want to be there and ensure that someone is actually listening to the evidence to find the truth.  I'm sure this sounds implausible to most, but why not?  Especially in this case, where drugs are involved.  If he's guilty, I want him off the streets.  I have also learned that I had a  really good chance of being on the jury.  The county prosecutor's wife is an acquaintance of mine and works on the same floor as I do.  He had asked her if she knew anyone on the jury pool and she identified me as a good candidate.

Ah well, life goes on.

Waht else?  Well, I fell off the horse last night and landed on my hip.  Big bruise and my neck is stiff from landing hard.  But, I got right back on (after checking for broken bones) and did the jump combination again and the right way this time!  So, this is the second time I've fallen off.  No, I didn't get bucked off, it was totally pilot error.  JD (the horse) stopped as soon as I was on the ground and didn't move.  I think Dastard is trying to find some bubble wrap I can wear next time I ride.


Keep on go!



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