Im getting a coffin for my 360


Shared on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 08:32
Fucking thig died last night. Im so fucking disappointed. My son plays his 360 every day & his is working fine. I play maybe twice a week & mine died! WTF! My warranty expired last month so I will have to pay $65 bucks to get it fixed. I hope they let me buy an extended warranty this time. Im wondering if they will fix mine or send me another box? Well, at least I still have my original xbox to play Halo2 on.

My kids are stuck on playing runescape this summer. I told them I wouldnt be paying the monthly fee but that they could play the free world. They have advanced from playing toontown online last summer. Im a bit concerned about allowing them to play MMOs. Its the whole "suck you in" factor that concerns me. They are not getting outside much except on the weekends when I am home. I dont play MMOs for that very reason.

Shit man, I have to change these graphics on my blog if Im gonna start using this feature.




KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 10:07
Dude, that sucks. They sent me a refurbished Xbox when I sent mine in. ---- Put some damn blog pics up.
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 10:08
First off, if you want to stick it to the MS bastards for making a bad product. Just go to Walmart, buy a 360, place your old 360 in the box and return it to walmart. Sure there are shady moral implications with that, but no worse then building millions of inferior products then charge the consumer to pay for those mistakes. As for the MMOs, DONT let them do it. Let them be kids and play outside while they still can!

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