Texans and Secession


Shared on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 19:52

Are these people serious?

And if so,  are these people stupid, crazy, or crazy stupid?

Having been raised in Houston, each time I see this crap on the news, a shudder runs through me. A shiver of embarrassment. A loss of pride. People up here have actually asked me if I think Texas will secede. Of course it won't! Apparently, the secession people fail to use any sort of logic whatsoever. Among many other things, Texas becoming its own country would turn it into an instant third world country. I'm not clear on the numbers, though I will be researching- but Texas land is somewhere around 40 % federal property. Including more military bases than any other state in the country. And NASA. And  A LOT of federally subsidized farmland. Do these people think that the federal government will just let Texas walk away with all of that, so to speak?

This whole thing pisses me off.

I understand not wanting a democrat in office after 8 years of republican power, and I even understand people completely disagreeing with an administration. Believe me. But we seem to be loosing our ability to have civil discussions about civil matters. This secession talk is shameful, and stupid. Its just like the death panel thing. Its nonsense. I can't believe that the richest country in the world is filled with people that are this poorly educated. 

Stepping off the soap box now.



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