Xbox One... the 180 and the 360 were obviously false starts...


Shared on Fri, 05/24/2013 - 13:39

I love the Xbox, aaaaaaaaaand it's gone.

I don't always play Xbox, but when I do, it's my 360.

Seriously. How stupid can people get? The 180 was the frigging answer to sugarcoated japanese moe machines, catered to the hardcore early adapter/gamer (remember that awesome splosion on boot-up?) and the 360 before NXE, with the awesome blades-interface... good times, great games.

Why would I buy a machine that isn't about gaming anymore and tries to do everything my PC does, but with more restrictions? Xbox One is the revival of the doomed Netbox. Remember that?

I'm not looking forward to the influx of reformed console-gamers clogging up my favorite PC-store next year. To understand that, you need to know about the demographics in the Netherlands. Sony=dead. Nintendo=dead. Xbox=flopping on dry land. PC is making a huge comeback overhere. Console-chains are closing shop one after the other. It's done.

A lot of it has to do with the cold-shouldering of Europe by the three companies in the last twenty odd years. PCs are remarkably free of that, with platforms like Steam, Origin and soccer-mum platforms like Zylom and other casual platforms. The gaming potential on a PC is just that much bigger, and media-functions that the Xbox One is pitching as new, sharp, trendy and edgy are rather old news. Right now my PC is displaying this page, keeping me informed on updates on a artistic site I dabble on, is playing an episode of the Walking Dead I wanted to see again and it has Skyrim minimized on the taskbar. It also has a applet running that notifies me of incoming phonecalls on my cell before my cell even rings...

But it doesn't collect my private information, doesn't datamine my livingroom, doesn't recognize my face, doesn't have a systemwide DRM in place, doesn't care if I play games from 1980 if I want to and does not come up recommendations of what I want to do based on what I did four months ago.

The only thing that irks me that I'll have to make peace with the fact that there will be a day where I can't play Rockband anymore... And that makes me sad on pre-order. ^^

My advise? Get a PC. They're HDMI too, you know. Just saying. And you'll still get to use your 360-controllers.


PoltegIce's picture
Submitted by PoltegIce on Fri, 05/24/2013 - 17:21

i think a lot of us are moving to pc this go around. A console that pretends to be a pc is no fr4iend of mine. 


wb cat

wilderz's picture
Submitted by wilderz on Sun, 05/26/2013 - 09:09

It saddens me to say it, but I doubt I will be getting an Xobx One and will be moving to PS4.

I have no need or desire for:

An always on Kinect that NEEDS to be plugged into the Xbox at all times.

Not being able to port over my arcade titles -I've probably spend a few hundred dollars on them.

Not being able to lend my games to my friends without them having to pay a fee to play them.

APPS. - I have a sony blu ray player that has all the apps I need, as does my current 360. 

It will be interesting to see how Microsoft will address all these concerns, or how they will try to spin it as a benefit to the consumer. 

It's kind of funny, but I was a PS2 owner and then switched over to MS with the 180.. looks like I'm doing a 360 come this holiday season.


CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sun, 05/26/2013 - 09:43

I started as a homecomputer gamer. ZX81 with 16Kb Ram-extension. Moved on the C-Vic, C-64, Amiga to end up with the PC. Played consoles on the side because I discovered the JRPGs. (The glorydays of the Superfamicom...) It was with the 180 that I fully converted to consoles.

During the halfway-point of the 360's life, I returned to PC again basically because console-gaming is too expensive. Since Sony is all but dead here in the Netherlands and seeing as Nintendo is just plain dead with Xbox getting ready to exit stage left, it seems that returning to the PC for me was the right decision.

In the Netherlands, there's no real need for settop-boxes. Every house has TV-connectability as part of it's architecture and limitless Internet is cheap and affordable for everyone... (Even my iPhone has limitless internet for the paltry sum of €10 a month...) I don't really see how MS is going to convince dutch people they can't live without the Xbone, especially once they find out that 8 years of investing in their 360s was throwing money away.

CiaranORian's picture
Submitted by CiaranORian on Tue, 05/28/2013 - 10:47

Great blog. MS is going to have to have an amazing E3. Like I said before we just want to play games none of the other crap.

CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Tue, 05/28/2013 - 11:20

Exactly. I just switch my monitor to TV-reception and have my mind boggled with bad television if I feel like it. To be honest, all the connectivity on the 360 right now is interesting, but it isn't on MY terms. Why am I looking at ads? Why do I have to navigate a handful of panels before I can start a game? Why is my 360 telling me that I want to watch a music-channel because I play Rockband?

It's intrusive. I don't even let my girlfriend make my decisions, and I sure as hell don't interfere with her decisions. Why would I want to take that crap from MS then?

"Yo, girlfriend, shut up and make me a sammich!" and then, "Oh kewl! My 360 thinks that I should try product X because I play Rockband!"

Yeah. So not in the books. ^^

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