State of Decay to get pure sandbox-mode.


Shared on Fri, 06/21/2013 - 05:52

Undead Labs have in a recent interview revealed that State of Decay will be getting an extra mode of play through DLC. This mode will be a pure sandbox. They do so after fan-pressure, claiming that we asked and that they listened. Extra game-modes never hurt, but what would a pure sandbox add to State of Decay?

From the storymode there are several things that could be cut:

  1. Story missions
  2. non-respawning resources
  3. non-respawning cars
  4. companion ineptitude missions


I don't think anyone will be particularly sorry if they don't have to rescue a full 7 star companion from the McD across the street from Snyder's anymore. But what could UL  (or is UL planning to) add to the sandbox? Truth be told, I fear that a pure sandbox mode for State of Decay would turn out to be a very bland affair.

Undead Brant is working on adding a slew of new guns, but your character can only fire one gun at the time and if you find one that works, a world full of guns is just that. A world full of guns. It doesn't make a game.

The only speculation that may hold water is that the sandbox will probably be free DLC, given the fact that the Steam version of State of Decay will ship with it as a hardcoded option. I'm interested in having the option because the story is driving me nuts. But at the same time I wonder how much longevity or replayability the sandbox will add to State of Decay.

I'll wait and see.


sicrik's picture
Submitted by sicrik on Fri, 06/21/2013 - 20:30

I've been playing alot of this, and I've done all the missions except the last one, blowing up the rock wall.  I'm trying to get all my upgrades, and achievements before the last mission. I have my homebase at the Trucking depot, and have 20 survivors, 4 deaths, including Marcus' buddy Ed, (I think his name was), and the first female character you interact with got ripped in half the first time I encountered a ferrel Zed.

It's one of the better done zombie games I've played.  I love zombie games, dont know why, lol, but I got all of them, from the L4D's, to Dead Rising 1, and every version of 2, Dead Island, I have most the Call of Duty  and Black Ops games, but I only play the zombie modes!!

I like each game for what it is.....I think a nice mix of State of Decays resource gathering stragety syle, and Dead Risings, over the top weapon creation would make for an awesome zombie game!!!

I've also read in some forums that Undeal Labs is going to include a co-op patch in the near future for State of Decay...that would be fun!!

CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sat, 06/22/2013 - 04:48

Yes, according to Undead Jeff & Brant, Co-op was to be a release option, but had to be cut from the game due to constraints. (time, money, publisher) and they have expressed their wish to have it return eventually if possible, which was picked up by everbody as "It will be done, fact!".

It's much akin to the stubborn belief that State of Decay is a proof-of-concept, or a MMO-beta. I fell into that trap too, but all Undead Brant said is that they would take the experience gained from developing Sod with in the development of Class 4. SoD is a pure stand alone title...

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