So Many Opportunities


Shared on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 15:02
So I put my resume on and over the last two days. I'm happy to see that the vipers known as recruiters are all over it. I seem to get at least one call or voice mail every few hours and e-mails throughout the day for positions in areas all around Mass and New Hampshire.

Most fit my skill range although a few have been under my level and pay so I had to pass those up (although many sound awesome). The biggest problem I have with switching jobs is I'm a bit about my 'routine.' I like my commute, I like the fact that I know many folks here since I've been here for nearly five years. Looking for a job has become easy because I don't look, I let them find me. But I still have to consider them all, look at how far the commute is and plan to change my routine and start something new.

So, it's a bit stressful even for a guy that's not usually about stress. It takes a lot to break me when it comes to situations because I'm too laid back to care most of the time :-) However, taking calls at work and running into empty rooms to try to talk gets a bit tiring but what can a guy do? Just stay at his company and get screwed?

No, I've got to take action. But I don't have to like it. :-)

The weekend is coming up, so perhaps I'll get a bit of time to play some more Call of Duty 4 beta and work some of the new content they're delivering. Luckily more and more 2o2p folks are getting into it which means I don't have to play with random kids.

I have kids, kids are wonderful. As long as their yours and they respect others. But man, these kids on LIVE... the only thing they respect is their own self centered little worlds. It helps me guide my own kids to a better future.

Oh, and listening to SysChaos telling the kids to respect their parents and to do the right thing is very funny to see. I was waiting for her to utter the famous Hulk quote, "Drink your milk, say your prayers and eat your vitamins."


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 15:13
I hate dice and monster because the only people on there are recruiters and i hate recruiters. Seems like they don't even read the resume, their little bots pick up a few keywords and they give you a call. I say like in the first line of my resume, not looking for opportunities in San Jose or the West Bay Area. Where do i get calls for? those areas mostly. I've stopped returning calls since i'm not really looking that hard and it's such a waste of time 99% of the time.
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 15:21
I've only received four calls or so for opportunities that aren't in the relative area. All calls so far are about what I'm doing and what my skills are aligned with, which I found odd too. I think, for my field, it's so hard to find a good position that their taking a little extra time to find someone qualified. I know, with where I work, we get so much trash resume's from recruiters that you start not paying any attention to those specific recruiters. So they must be trying to up their quality of submissions in order to keep some respect.
BrokenDesign's picture
Submitted by BrokenDesign on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 15:57
I have to actually go out and find work. Any decent design jobs that will pay you more than the bare minimum (which you have to fight for) never ever ever seek you out. You have to approach them and make their phones ring off the hook until you can score an interview. Even if a design firm needs a new staff member they don't advertise anywhere because there are so many resumes coming in all the time and you have to be incredibly aggressive to get anywhere. For this, design sucks. I'm not aggressive. I'm very passive and downright lazy.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 16:49
dude that kid was totally disrespecting his mom. It was making me very angry.

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