More to life than WoW.


Shared on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 16:11
"There's more to life than WoW," said many of the people I knew when I said my goodbyes just after The Burning Crusade dropped. I agreed and shut down the client for the last time. But if there's more to life than WoW, why do I miss it so much and why, in particular, do I miss the people I used to call my friends, almost to the point of being depressed?

I didn't leave WoW because of the changes (though I knew plenty of my fellow raider types who did), nor was I really bored with it (though I don't think I could have tolerated seeing the Barrens again), but early in the year when my Mom got very sick and spent a month in the hospital, I simply didn't have the time to keep playing. A month after my Mom was discharged, after she was finally able to function on her own, I tried to come back to WoW, and it all felt foreign. People who I thought were my friends didn't even acknowledge my presence and the overall feel of the two guilds I was in (one Alliance, one Horde) had radically changed. I don't really begrudge them since three months had passed, but it didn't feel good at all to come back to something that seemed so foreign after I had spent 2 years with most of these people. I ended up leaving again and, this time, I sold my account.

Yet, here I sit, browsing through forums from my old stomping ground, thinking about good times both raiding and non-raiding, and missing my friends. I miss the good times we had. Hell, I even miss some of the bad times when I used to be the bank/asset officer for my Horde raiding guild. I wish I could log in again, but sometimes I'm glad I can't because I know everything has changed.

For something that's "just" a video game, it sure has brought a lot of conflicting thoughts and emotions to me. I guess if I could afford it, I'd go back. But with my ex-raiding character gone, I'd have to start over and since I'd have to start all over again, I'd probably do better rolling on a different server and leaving these old skeletons behind. Though I'm not terribly sure that would resolve how I feel either.


Azuredreams's picture
Submitted by Azuredreams on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 17:22
I know exactly how you feel on that one bro. I played wow since closed beta and dropped right before burning shitball also. Now I do yearn for my old guildies and raiding parties....yet what I don't miss is the 4 hour runs through MC. BWL etc. I don't miss standing around for 30 minutes waiting for people only to have to wait another 30 mins for them to repair thier armor, aquirre the required pots and stop being douchebags. Yet now my brother in law is playing and has a great guild on a different server and he keeps trying to get me to come back. My resistance is failing slowly but surely and I fear that I may just fall back into the addiction that is wow.....hey maybe we should make a support group!
Captiosus's picture
Submitted by Captiosus on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 17:32
OMG I hated pre-raid muster. I hated waiting for our alchemists to show up, half the time they'd get there late and have NOTHING made. We'd be at TwinEmps and - LO AND BEHOLD - no one had made any damn Flasks even though I had the mats to our alchemists freakin 5 days earlier. Or, all us officers would be at the raid portal at the time we announced with about 10 people.. 30 others showing up late with no advance warning. Urgh. I'm talking to some of my ex-WoW friends via AIM and MSN at the moment and it's kind of helping relieve this desire to come back. From what I'm hearing, a vast majority of people I would have remembered have quit and gone either to other servers or over to LOTRO anyway.
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 19:17 ;) I know how you feel

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