Still in world 1-1 (Demon's Souls)


Shared on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 21:20

I've been killed.   A lot. 

But, I'm getting the hang of combat, timing swings for some of the incoming grunts.  Don't like the guys with fire swinging at me or throwing it for that matter.

I rescued Ostrava, who didn't look like he needed much in the need of rescuing, but he was helpful for cleaning up some baddies.

I had about 2000 souls after I left him and then got plucked off by a blue eyed knight at the top of a staircase.

Oh well, back into it again, reclaimed my body and got back to the Nexus in one piece.

Now I have some hardstone and sharpstone.  I'd really like to upgrade my bastard sword as I am using it in two hand melee most of the time.

Upgraded to a heater shield and going to switch back to a broad sword, which I may upgrade, as opposed to the bastard sword.


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 05/19/2009 - 05:15
Awesome .. Sounds great.

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