What happens in Cherno - Stays in Cherno.


Shared on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 17:07


Why would I go to Cherno at night?  Why would I go to the biggest city that attracks the most Zeds the most twitchy nervous survivors - the most bandits?  I was desperate for supplies.  I wanted to find the  medical supplies I had heard about in Balota.  I probably wouldn't make through the night without supplies and the one advantage Cherno had was that it was usually lit up with flares pretty well.  Unfortunately going near the flares usually meant confrontation would soon follow but the flares did provide some ambient light in the city.


As I cautiously approach Cherno from the shores I can see there is a dock which is lit up with a flare, furhter inland towards the downtown area a construction site is similarly illuminated.  I can hear distant shots being fired and in my head I decide they are coming from the construction site.  I'll avoid that place.  I wonder if they are shooting Zeds......or each other.


I move closer to the down town part of Cherno hugging the walls.  I can see the faint outlines of the snarling screaming Zeds that I am sharing the streets with - some walking, some hopping and others just pulling themselves along the ground.    I duck into an alley to avoid a hopper that is making his way towards me.  The alley isn't getting much light from flare that was giving light to the central square that I was just travelling.


In the alley I find a door open a crack - I take a deep breath and slowly open the door.  As I step inside I can see that I am in what used to be a cafe or restraunt.  It's hard to tell because it is littered with dead Zeds and a couple of survivors.  I check the survivors for supplies and find some food and ammo but no medical supplies.  


Moving down a hall I enter a room with windows that face the square where I just was.  The square is lit up bright by a red flare and I can hear the continued shots of guns....and then I notice it.  On one of the building tops around the square I see 7 or 8 bandits on the roof.  One stands up and throws a fresh flare down into the center of the squre near a great statue of what I assume to be a military leader.  And then the shots ring out again.  


The new survivors are like moths to a flame in the night - they crave the light and seem to run towards it.  The bandits know this as they sit perched on their roof raining down bullets on the unsuspecting survivors.  It's a slaughter - a well co-ordinated slaughter.  I'm a little fearful at the shear number of bandits working together but at the same time their team work and trap are impressive.


In this room I find anotehr two bodies that I rummage and I find an AK47 on one of them unfortunately it has no ammo but I should be able to scrounge some ammo up.  I find some empty cans and coke.  Better than nothing.  As I pick up the last of my treasures I am surprised to see a flare land right outside the building I'm in - lighting up my room bright pink. 


Like a rat I scury upstairs away from the light.  As I reach the top of the stairs I hear footsteps below me.  Someone is in the cafe - they are walking slowly.  From the top of the stairs I can see a survivor with a long arm, maybe a winchester shotgun, walking slowly - he dsisappears  into the room I left less than one minute ago.  

"Click, click, click, click" - more footseps enter the cafe on the floor below me.  I see a new body come down the hall and appear near the bottom of the stairs - I can tell by the head scarf and sniper rifle this one is a bandit.  He briefly goes into the room where the other survivor is.  Shots are fired.  Should I go down and help the survivor?  Should I try and run down the stairs and out of the death trap cafe?  Should I lay silent and hope I go un-noticed?  I decide to wait.  


After a few seconds the bandit comes out of the room.  As he exits the room he heads towards the stairs - I began firing my Makarov pistol frantically and without much aim at him.  I kind of paniced.  He fires back at me and he hits me pretty good then he ducks down the hall.  I do the same on the floor above because I need to stop my bleeding.  Quickly I take out my bandages and begin wrapping my fresh wounds and as I do I hear running on the stairs......before I can get another shot off the bandit puts one final round into my skull.


What happens in Cherno - Stays in Cherno.



These are my days in the amazing Arma 2 DayZ mod http://www.dayzmod.com


Corcharo's picture
Submitted by Corcharo on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 17:57

Keep up the good work, I really hoped you could make it trough the night...


BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 18:51

Thanks :) I got FRAPS recently so I'll be able to record some game footage.....just gotta free up some HD space as it eats it up in a hurry!  Hopefully a video story soon to follow.

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