Star Blog #36


Shared on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 11:49

The 3 Gate Robo didn't go too horirlbe last night - considering I didn't write my Build Order down and was just kind of "winging" it. Probably not the best way to practice :(

I won 8 and lost 9 but 2 of those losses came to a rank #1 Platinum player. How the heck I got matched up against this guy 2 games in a row is beyond me. He has over 3000 wins!!!! For the sake of perspective I have 47 wins and probably just as many (if not more) losses). Ridiculous! Anywho he was a protoss and he 4 gated me like a boss. Stupid 4 gate shouldn't  even really work that well anymore with the ramp vision change and the lack of ability to warp units in without vistion....but he spanked me. Here's this guys stats on


I think I only got to the point of being able to make a transition (mid / late game) from the 3 Gate Robo and I failed. I went 3 Gate Robo into Observer+Blink Stalkers. The idea being you use your Obs to get vision into his base and blink in and wreck shit. Seemed like a good plan. He was Terran and he was just sitting on 1 base all turtled up. I flew my obs over his base and poof got it shot down by his turrets : I probably should have scouted for turrets first (probably....definetly) and I was a bit lost after my "plan" failed. In hindsight I should have transitioned into a Collosus as the only units I ever saw from him were ground units and I had stalks to take care of any air threats....but I didn't I just took another base and kept making stalkers - eventually the turtle came out and basically rolled over me with his mass MMM ball + Seige Tanks. We got into a huge base trade - which if he was any other race I would have won easily but because he was Terran he was able to fly his buildings off and spread them around and ruin my life lol


Anywho I learned a lot - gonna write out my build order :) and really think about what I'm doing a little more (i.e. what to do if obs+blink isn't viable etc.)


We are looking to get a 2old2Play Starcraft II night going this Friday at 9:00 est. Anyone and everyone is welcome to hop on - if we get a lot of players we can do some customs if we only get 3 or 4 we can go roflstomp some n00bs.....ok well that would be us getting roflstomped but whatever :)


williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 11:51
You should do a podcast about starcraft tonight at 10 pm. I'd be into that.
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 11:51
You should do a podcast about starcraft tonight at 10 pm. I'd be into that.
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 11:52
So nice I had to say it twice.
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 11:55
I'm making a run for the border, you want anything?
BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 18:21
Just saw one of the greatest things ever. I have to find that VOD. CombatEX talking shit to HuK on his stream. Combat sets up 2 gates in HuK's main and HuK has one. HuK fends off the 2 gate using probes and 1 gate and ton of sick micro. I have to find that replay!

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