Star Blog #20


Shared on Wed, 09/28/2011 - 21:34

Had a hard time with my new key much so that I swtiched back to my old ones lol Good night in the trenches though I won 4 and lost my last 1. The last game was Protoss (your hero) vs. Zergt (the bad guy). He 9 pools. I scout and have a forge and cannon up before he gets to my base (yeah me!) I tried to cannon the bottom of his ramp but his 2nd wave of zerglings hit just in time to destroy the cannon just before it finished. Oh well - at least my scouting was good and I figure I'm maybe even with him in terms of was a terrible map for me to wall off because I had to do it just at my first base (I couldn't wall off my base and natural) I kind of hemmed myself in and blah just fell apart trying to build an army all hemmed in. He was doing a good job of expanding and I was all locked in my 1 base. By the time I busted out and expanded (he didn't harrass much) I was just so far behind. Oh well I'll take 4 wins and 1 loss any day of the week :) I'm top 25 in my league now (19) climbing that ladder yo!


It's worth noting that the 4 games I won were all Korean 4  Gate builds - just practice building up a big army, scouting, putting a proxy pylon (one game I got it right in his main without him knowing....awesome lol).  That last game I lost was just adlib after I locked my ass in my base.  Lesson learned....4 gate and win lol :)

Here you go! TLO (The Little One) vs. SLayersBoxer


TLO was one of the most creative players in the beta - just crazy outside the box thinking from this guy. Boxer is a Korean legend and absolute beast for years in Brood War.


williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Thu, 09/29/2011 - 06:34
Cole Train runs on whole grain

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