I Want President Clinton Back


Shared on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 08:23
I watched Larry King Live last night.  He interviewed former President Clinton for an hour and asked him questions pertaining to current world events.  The questions seemed engineered to juxtapose what Clinton would do if he were president and what the current idiot is doing.  Seriously, can't we just appoint Clinton as President Emeritus or something?  It was sooooo refreshing to see a world leader that can think on his feet and respond intelligently to questions on pressing issues.  I'm neither a registered democrat nor a registered republican, so my desire isn't for a democrat in the White House.  I just think the entire world's thirsty for real leadership.


A_Burn's picture
Submitted by A_Burn on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 13:11
Could it be that the patchouli wearing hippies as well as the returning vets that were protesting the war were right? We lost that war because we had no business being there. WW2 was "successful" for many reasons among which was we had a clear goal/objective. When it was reached it was over, the shooting and bombing stopped. Then started the Cold War which is another story all together. We have no business being in Iraq! Did everyone forget that Saddam(yes he is an asshole and a scary guy) had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11? By your reasoning, if we should support the government during a war no matter what,(Slaughtering millions of Native Americans, killing millions of Jews, throwing out the Geneva Convention?) we would still be under British rule because they were, technically at war. As a citizen of the USA, it is our right and duty to question what our government is doing and to make changes as needed. That is what our founding fathers wanted.
KingBayman's picture
Submitted by KingBayman on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 13:39
Bats, No the people of Germany were not behind their government fully. Hell, Hitler was trying to eliminate half of his own population. A_Burn, in my opinion, unless our government is attacking its people with weapons, then yes I support the military to the fullest extent. And I'll go now, and leave you all in here to your Hippy love fest and go back to my warmongering ways elsewhere. But Bats, you're the reason I'm in here anyway, you mentioned it in your blog so I had to come over here and see what kind of crazy liberal crap was being spewed. I'll be alright, I'll just take a pill.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 13:47
I'm a veteran, and I met some of the finest people ever when I was in the Army. With that said, I understand the difference between those that fight the war and the mission itself. Supporting our troops does not mean blindly following our leaders. It does not mean quelling dissent. Conversely, it's times like now where dissent is paramount. It's important now to ask our leaders the tough questions and to hold them to a higher standard. I didn't meet a single person in the Army that wanted to be deployed so they'd miss the early precious years of their children's lives or wanted to begin to forget what it's like to be a part of their spouse's days. Because of that, it's important to hold accountable those who so willingly and irresponsibly commit them to dangerous missions. And when those missions are ill-conceived, premised on lies, and lack the leadership to end them quickly and methodically, I get angry. No King, I'm not one to sit back and stew over anti-war protesters because they're exercising their American rights to speak out, and moreover, they're the ones that are actually acting on soldiers' behalfs. We don't have thousands dead because of protestors, we have thousands dead because this administration is run by C Yale students and the head hancho is a pompous pinhead. I support my country all the time and my government when it deserves it. Learn the difference between the soldiers and their mission, please. BTW, I know Clinton's not coming back. I just saw him on TV last night and I miss him. Suck it.
KingBayman's picture
Submitted by KingBayman on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 14:03
I know no one wants to be deployed and miss their children growing up. I didn't mean to imply anywhere that anyone who was against the war was "UnAmerican." I hope it didn't come across that way. I myself am a veteran. I signed up when Desert Shield started. By the time my training was over so was the war. I was actually thinking of making the military my career when Slick Willy's everything Military must go sale went on. And thus ended my thoughts of a military career. So, come to think of it, I kind understand where you are coming from with your thoughts on Bush. I couldn't see myself serving under someone who wouldn't serve their country when they were called upon. The fact that he was a draft dodger alone should have barred him from even being eligible to run for President. We are just going to have to agree to disagree on this subject.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 14:04
Haha, that's one thing we agree on. 8)
A_Burn's picture
Submitted by A_Burn on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 14:07
Bio- I couldn't have said more eloquently than you just did. King- I think you've got the right idea, lets just agree to disagree. No hard feelings.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 14:11
Biorod=GOD!!! I despise Bush apologists who shove their heads in the sand and quote old, worn-out RNC talking points. Lets talk about Ws service, what a fukin joke. The man is a joke, period!!! This blog, or even the internets, like W likes to call 'em, are big enough to list all of his inadequacies!!! Im a vet too, gonna call me a traitor, a hippie? The real traitors, to our country and our troops, are those who follow blindly, those who send others sons/daughters/husbands/wives/mothers/fathers/brothers/sisters/uncles/aunts off to die FOR A LIE!!! To quote biorod: SUCK IT!!!
KingBayman's picture
Submitted by KingBayman on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 14:17
Sabre, You're going to come in here and start the hatred, then have the nerve to call me a traitor. Well, I've read some of your posts around the site and all I have to say is this: FUCK OFF TIMMY! Sorry about that Biorod, I was trying to keep it fairly intelligent in here, but I couldn't take this idiot anymore in here than I can around the site.
BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 14:54
More BioRod gems!!!!! Well said my man well said!!!! - BAT
KingBayman's picture
Submitted by KingBayman on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 15:10
You're gonna make me put Halo in again just to vent some frustration aren't ya Bats? Just bustin' you nuts. You know I love ya. :-)
The_R3d_Scare's picture
Submitted by The_R3d_Scare on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 15:23
Soup: We are the most influential nation in the world. Not only with great power comes great responsibility (thank you uncle Ben), but that power cannot be abused, otherwise it causes violent backlash (aka Terrorism). Therefore it is important for the US to become involved, and yet show restraint. Bio: As far as Clinton goes, I like his domestic policy. However you must agree that his foreign policy is just as trashy as anyone else, despite his pretty rhetoric.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 15:25
OOOOOOOOOOOh, did I touch a nerve? So you have a little hatred towards me cuz you dont agree with me? When did I say you specifically were any of those things KING? If your gonna call me out, make sure you know what you're talkin about. As far as my other posts go, I have every right to my opinion as do you, period. Dont get all shitty with me cuz of something you think I said. I made a general statement, if the shoe fits wear it. Im sorry I ruined your blog biorod! And KING, if I offended you, Imman enough to say Im sorry, are you?
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 15:29
Let's all hug.
KingBayman's picture
Submitted by KingBayman on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 16:10
I'm man enough to apologize. And I am sorry I was so harsh. It just so happens that I read your reply after something here at work pissed me off and I overreacted. Not gonna Hug though, Don't want any Hippy cooties. j/k :-)
BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 16:19
"Hippy Cooties" !!??? See what Im talking about, such a shame. If he would just take his meds he wouldn't say such silly things :-) In all serious im proud to be your clan mate King, well done on the apology front!!!! Now Im ready when ever you are my brother, pop that dirty old halo 2 disc in your Box and lets settle this like a good liberal and right wing wacko should in the Halo Ring! :-) LOL - BAT
Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 16:20
Sabres, the reason KingBayman called you out was not because of what your opinion is, but the innappropriate way in which you chose to express it. Bayman and Bats are good friends even though they are almost always on opposite ends of a political debate. They disagree, they state their opinions strongly, but they never resort to namecalling. Both of them are mature enough to realize that such actions are pointless. Bayman has proven time and again that he can keep his cool even when confronted with opinions he does not share. You have proven just the opposite. I think you have some serious growing up left to do. When you say something like this: "I despise Bush apologists who shove their heads in the sand and quote old, worn-out RNC talking points." you have crossed the line. Name calling and bashing other members like this is a big no-no. Let me school you on the difference here: Let's say I find a thread in which people are discussing Michael Jackson, his life, his music, whatever. If I were to post in that thread: "Michael Jackson is a moron. I hate that guy." I am not directly attacking anybody on the site. (As far as I know, Jacko is not a member here.) Other people may not agree with this statement, it might even make them mad, but I'm not attacking them, so it's "safe". If, however, I were to post: "Anybody who listens to Michael Jackson music is a queer and I hope they die in a fire." well that my friend is crossing the line. At that point I have actually leveled an attack at the other people personally, not just their opinions. Uncool, unkind, and definitely uncalled for. It doesn't matter that I didn't name someone specifically, because the intent was clear. Your comment of "I made a general statement, if the shoe fits wear it" is way off the mark. You knew precisely what you were doing, so don't try to hide behind the cop-out of "it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it." Sabres you are of course entitled to your opinion, but you could try to be a bit less offensive in expressing it. Guys like you are starting to give the site a bad name. Every time a political discussion comes up you feel like you have to run in and bash somebody. I've seen this action from site members on the left, right and center and some of them are starting to be very recognizable as shit-stirrers. Is this the kind of reputation you crave? You won't be able to hide behind the "people don't like my opinion so they don't like me argument", because you will find that even people that agree with your general sentiment still dislike the way you express it. It makes me sad to read that other people on this site have become so dissappointed with the childish conduct in some of the threads that they are starting to spend less time here. I've seen recent comments in people's blogs expressing how it bums them out to see the kind of vitriol and malice that you have displayed in here. Before your comment the discussion was proceeding in a civil manner. Widely varying opinions were being expressed without malicious name calling. But you killed that Sabres. You killed a beautiful thing, and for that you should apologize. And I mean a real apology, not that bogus one in your previous comment where you spent an entire paragraph bashing Bayman and then tacked a "I'm sorry" on the end. It's not a real apology until you realize that what you have done is wrong, and you make an effort not to be "that guy" again in the future.
DantezINFERNO's picture
Submitted by DantezINFERNO on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 17:14
nice crane! god you put that together well!!!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 18:20
No problem KING. Seems like others feel the need to pile on though. I will offer a very redfaced apology for my personal attack. Like others, Im disgusted at what our country has become, but I did not need to direct my anger at KING. For that I offer my humblest apologies, not only to KING but to any others I may have offended. I expect that I would recieve the same in kind from anybody who reponded to one of my posts the way I responded to his. I do take slight issue with the fact that I have been singled out in a way by you Crane. Your post was thoughtful and well-written, but I felt it bordered on a father-son lecture. Yes I am the lastest to bare my teeth, but not the only one. 2o2p is a GREAT place to meet GREAT people, most of all. I feel honored to be a part of it. I dont want to jeopardize any of the friendships I feel Ive built here. At times, I can be a hot-head, but as I said earlier, I feel VERY passionately about what has happened to our country and I will not apologize for that. In closing, I humbly apologize to KING and any others I may have offended in my generalizations. Probably should stick to the old addage of not discussing religion or politics amongst friends. Mike
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 07:42
OMG, 40+ comments, I never imagined it would generate so many responses to blog that I miss Clinton (even if more than a few are my own). 2o2p is full of great people. Thanks to everyone for reading my blog and (dis)agreeing with me. Oh, and Red Scare wrote "However you must agree that his foreign policy is just as trashy as anyone else, despite his pretty rhetoric." As I tell my wife, I must agree to nothing! LOL.
darth_chibius's picture
Submitted by darth_chibius on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 12:42
WHOA! biorod is god?, man next time we play im gonna run some unanswered prayers by you, see if you can hook a brotha' up
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 08:31
My only question to your last sentence would be: Why do we have to provide it?
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 08:36
We have to start somewhere. You think Iran or Russia will provide it? This is my opinion, so I understand if others disagree: we have the money and the power. With those things comes tremendous responsibilities. We can try and shirk it and pretend that the world's affairs are not our own, but in modern times, no one's disjoint from everyone else.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 13:07
No, you were born a man and you're staying a man. That's that.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 08:45
No, i understand what you're saying, I just dislike that we have to be the ones to provide the Leadership all the time. It goes to how people hate our foreign policy, yet, if we pull back and isolate, they bitch and complain that we aren't doing enough. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
darth_chibius's picture
Submitted by darth_chibius on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 13:18
well, i should've known you werent him, since god 4 shots everytime(even on LIVE)
jtgjr007's picture
Submitted by jtgjr007 on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 08:51
I think that being impeached might have a bearing on weather or not he is fit to be president. Anyone can have answers written for him to look good on LK, but when it hits the fan, we all know how Clinton dealt with things. He didn't take Bin Laden when he was offered to us on a silver platter. But he did launch a missle in the general direction of some terrorists when he needed to divert media attention from him getting BJ's from an intern in the oval office. Is Bush perfect? No, but Clinton was a joke. Why do you think that a republican won? And don't tell me it was election fraud. :)
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:06
ELECTION FRAUD!!! The current asshat-in-chief is INCOMPETENT! If Clinton was impeached for a BJ, what should we do with the current prez? I say he should definately be impeached, tried as a war criminal, fuk the list is so long! If only W had gotten a blow job, the world would be a better place!!! Mike
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:06
Hang on!!! Rudi Guiliani is on the way!!!!
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:08
Bah... I used to dislike Clinton, but I've drifted to the very center in recent years, and in Hindsight, it was a mistake to have impeached him. Was he wrong in lying to the American people? Yes, but the push to impeach him was the start of the polarization that politics are feeling and have been feeling for the last 10 years or more. Dems are looking for payback and if they get control of Congress, may try to impeach Bush, which, I feel, would also be a mistake. I hate both parties with a passion, as neither represents me or my values.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:08
Clinton wasn't impeached because of a blowjob. He was impeached because he lied under oath about the blow-job. Huge difference.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 14:56
Haha, I'm king of the 7 shot.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:12
Clinton was impeached but the Senate voted not to oust him. I think we all know that, and the Senate voted that way with good reason. Also, that crap about Bin Laden is republican propaganda. It's the same crap that Kerry was saying about Bush having Bin Laden in Torra Bora or wherever. Anyway, that's all beside the point. I'm talking about the need for diplomacy, foreign relations, and cooler heads prevailing - areas where Bush is clearly and utterly impotent. Clinton >>> Bush. Suck it.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:14
Maybe if Bush got a BJ once in a while, he wouldn't have that dumbass look on his face constantly. I hate even watching his facial expressions - it's reveals a dangerous mix of incompetence and arrogance.
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 15:40
Problem is, Clinton was never a leader. Not here in this country and certainly not in the rest of the world. He was limp. More so even than Bush. Yeah, he's better at sound bites but that doesn't equate to leadership.
darth_chibius's picture
Submitted by darth_chibius on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:32
(dreaming of a threesome with Hilary Clinton and Laura Bush)
DantezINFERNO's picture
Submitted by DantezINFERNO on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:34
OMFG...please don't get me started! Clinton, seriously? i thought this was a no bush bashing zone?
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 09:54
Im not for Bush by any means...but a real leader wouldn't draft dodge. My dad fought in Vietnam while that douche was off doing his own thing. He ignored his duty. Thats not a leader.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 10:09
Being under the microscope can kill anyone with political skills that can do our country good when bad pr is the outcome. Media has a job and some excell too well at finding National Enquirer type dirt. Bush the best choice, I dont think so, a skilled leader that lied under oath about a bj and he didnt inhale -Skills/Intergrity, vote for one you dont get both.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 10:33
Right, because a real leader would go mindlessly and blindly to fight for a war that so many people were against it's a wonder we were there at all. Real leaders don't think for themselves, huh? Besides that, can we talk about the present and future and not dwell on something that has nothing to do with today's events? My blog comments are full of typical Republican responses attacking Clinton. He smoked weed, he dodged the draft, he got a BJ. So what? Bush was a freakin' alcoholic with a DUI that did cocaine. I don't hear you guys complaining about that.
jtgjr007's picture
Submitted by jtgjr007 on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 10:44
Everyone was so against the war, that Congress voted for it. Bush didn't do any of those things in office, has been clean and sober for years, and didn't lie about it. No hard feelings to anyone, we all have our opinions. Sorry to rain on your blog parade.
A_Burn's picture
Submitted by A_Burn on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 10:48
Wow Bio, I think this post is going to get the most responses ever! I'm neither a Demo or a Rep. But I really do miss Clinton. Yes he lied about the BJ etc. But the man was/is very articulate, very charismatic, and excellent at diplomacy(not giving other world leaders little nick names). I believe that the economy was much better during his administration in part because he had the air of confidence that made it seem like he should be there, unlike Bush who continually acts like Eddy Haskel(sp?) who is getting away with a huge prank. I personally hope that whoever the next Pres is, is someone who can rebuild our economy, our standing in the world community, is not bent on taking away our freedoms/rights and is not beholden to the religeous right.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 11:17
jtgjr, and Congress always acts on behalf of the People, right?
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 11:37
Notice that no one ever argues that Bush does indeed have a brain. They just bash Clinton. Sure Bush is a moron and is a complete failure in every measurable aspect as President. His foreign policy is a joke, his cabinet has abandoned him faster than Yeltzin can finish a vodka tonic, his former Secretary of State has sided against him concerning the treatment of hostiles and with regard to interpreting articles of the Geneva Convention, he's swung national spending from a $400 billion surplus to about a $500 billion deficit, he has generals lining up against his handling of Iraq, which, by the way, has turned into the terrorist haven that Bush claimed it was prior to the U.S. invasion, he's polarized the entire country, and to some extent, the world, despite his campaign slogan of "I'm a uniter, not a divider", he can barely form a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, he doesn't read much, admittedly, and his belief that he has divine guidance places him in the convenient yet unfortunate position of not having to listen to anybody else.
BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 11:47
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> I have said now almost weekly...Biorod is my Hero!!! :-) All kidding aside I agree with you 100% I loved Clinton's quote from the New Yorker this week too. " I am sick of Karl Rove's bullshit." Woo Hoo thats what we need to hear on the home front!! And your right on the international and world front, his level of insight and knowledge and statesman ship is completely missing. Great post dude, loving your Blog keep up the great work!! - BAT
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Sun, 09/24/2006 - 14:45
Yeah because that whole peace in the Middle East push he made with Israeli and Pakastani leaders meeting for the first time was a joke. Same thing with the Clinton Global Initiative and the U.S. involvement in Morocco and Bosnia Serbia. The truth is that Clinton was an outstanding leader from his high school days all the way up to being one of the best Presidents of the 20th century. I can go on with his granting additional power to the USDA to make our meat safer (which the Bush administration has undone), down-sizing welfare, significantly cutting government spending, usually a hallmark of Republicans, as well as healthcare reform, but I won't. Do a little research before you post comments like that in my blog, huh? You may not like Clinton, which is fine, but to say he was never a leader is just laughable.
KingBayman's picture
Submitted by KingBayman on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 12:35
The reason we are having issues overtaking terrorists, (notice I didn't say insurgents) is because of stuff like the crap in this blog. When we are at war, you support the military. Last time I checked the office of the President of the United States is also the commander-in-chief. Yes Bush has said and done some bonehead things. But, in times of war you support your country. Period. End of story. Why was Vietnam such a clusterfuck? Because stinking dirty, shit between their toes, pachuli (sp?) smelling hippies didn't support their country. Why was WWII such a success even though millions more died? Because they had the support of the entire country. You ever heard of Divide and Conquer? When the war is over, then we should look into problems that may have occurred. The only thing that is important is that this war is won. Remember, whoever wins the war writes the history books. If Hitler won WWII, don't you think that the history books would have us as the evil ones? This is your blog and you're entitled to your opinion. I respect that. But get over it. Clinton is not coming back (THANK GOD!). That man is a waste of space on this planet. As far as I'm concerned he is only breathing air that could be used for better purposes. Like blowing up balloons. As far as the comment of a $400 billion surplus versus the current deficit, the surplus was only on paper anyway. It didn't actually exist. It was only a spin to try and make the Dumocrats look good to try and get that freak of nature and his censor happy wife Tipper elected to office.
BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 12:54
Dear Biorod, I must apologize for the psychotic ramblings of KingBayman. You see he is in our clan and well, he has "mental problems" When he doesn't take his medication ...well these kind of post result. I will contact our overlord and be sure to get poor delusional Mr Bayman the medical assistance he requires. Ok you all can go back to work now...nothing here to see anymore. Come along King, We'll get you your medication and you can take your "Hippy" hating war toys and go play in the corner with the other loonies :-) - BAT P.S. Note to self be sure to jump out of any lobby with KingBayman for the next couple weeks . LOL Just bustin on ya big guy. :-) Oh one other thing, weren't the people of Germany solidly behind their governments war with the world? And they still lost...hhmmm...perhaps losing or winning wars has more to do with the Armies that fight them and the leaders that make the decisions about how to fight them, rather then by the support or lack of support on the home front.

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