Quick Thoughts


Shared on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 12:27
  • First and foremost, I had an excellent time playing the 2old2pwn vs. Old Man Mafia Halo Challenge last night.  Admittedly, it was probably more fun b/c OMM won. :)  However, the games were really close even though I thought our ringer, CMA, would make it a breeze.  Well, I didn't count on them having ringers of their own and SmirkyDewy in particular brought me personal pain all night.  During our match and afterwards the clans got together for a mixer and again to my surprise we managed to get 3 rooms going.  It sounds like good times were had by all and I know I'm really looking forward to doing more of these types of events with Pwn in the future.
  • Is it just me, or when you watch the trailer for the new Halloween II movie, it looks a bit like an ad for an Incredible Hulk movie?
  • I'd really like to get a new iPhone and I'm eligible to upgrade my plan on Monday but I'd also really like a new ZuneHD.  I can't really afford both right now.  What to do, what to do?
  • I love the NFL but I hate the preseason.  Can't wait 'til Sept. 10th.
  • Can they just put Kennedy in the ground already?  Is there nothing else going on in the world?  I really don't get these people who wait in line for hours to walk past a casket in 10 seconds time.  You're not family and you're not a friend.  You're not there to speak to any friends or family, you're there to gawk.  If you cared about paying respects to the dead you wouldn't be there in your old Tshirts and flip flops.  Get a life loser.
  • Speaking of Kennedy, they keep mentioning his 47 years of service.  Am I the only one who thinks that's waaaaayyy too long for anyone, left right or other to be in the Senate.  The supreme arrogance of these guys who think they are the only ones in their entire state who can represent their constituents is absurd.  Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond, Daniel Inouye RETIRE ALREADY!!  btw - I looked up the top ten longest serving Senators and 80% of them were Democrats.  I'm not sure what that says but it is interesting.
  • I mentioned in an earlier blog how much I liked True Blood on HBO.  Well, my second favorite show will be back on Sept. 27th.  Dexter.  I'm not exactly sure why but for some reason my 2 favorite shows right now feature and awful lot of blood in them.  Maybe I should see a shrink.  It's too bad in a way.  If it wasn't for those shows I could drop my premium Directv package and save myself a decent amount of money.




webmonkee's picture
Submitted by webmonkee on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 20:13
I hear you on the Senate thing, but the p[problem is that the rules are somewhat rigged to favor high seniority folks. Kind of like in a Union. Teh senior people get the best committees, so in some ways it is beneficial for a state to keep sending the same people back. As for the Senators themselves, with more seniority comes more power, which breeds a desire for more seniority. I would fully support term limits, but only if the committee rules changed as well.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 13:03
I would like to personally blame you for $6 a month that I now have to spend. I watched the first 2 episodes of TrueBlood and upgraded my Netflix for 2 at a time so that I could get them queued up faster! And I'm pretty sure one day I'm going to freak out and just get Showtime and HBO - because I also love Weeds and I've already watched all that is out on DVD.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 13:13
You're welcome. :D
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 14:32
If you need cash, I'll give you $200 for your complete Ion drum setup.
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 15:22
So once again we have proof that making fun of other people on 2o2p only leads to a great time being had by all. By you ridiculing Kid Mach for his milli vanilli tribute both clans had an awesome night.

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