biorod's blog


Shared on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 11:24

At Least She's Honest...Errr, Maybe Not

I read this article on about Katherine Harris, who you might remember as Florida's secretary of state. She controlled the state's 2000 presidential election recount (which I'm sure was done without bias). Her comments are disturbing. I was glad to learn that God chooses our leaders and not the people of the U.S. Phew. That relieves me of having to go to the ballot on election days. Thanks God!


Shared on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 08:12

Montage is Done

I finished my montage.  It's not a glorious thing and requires some explanation before viewing.  You will be allowed to download the tage after you read my explanation and take a short test....okay, that's a lie.  You could just scroll down and click the link, but I recommend that you read what I have to say first.


Shared on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 16:23

I Can Blog All Day Long

That's right. I said it. All day, bitches. :D


Shared on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 11:50

My Day Off and a Game Vid

I took yesterday off for a few reasons. First, I had to go and renew my drivers license, which was exciting. Second, I had to wait for the Orkin guy to visit our house because my wife freaked out when I showed her the dead Black Widow I found on our deck. Third, I wanted to run out and get a few things at Best Buy/Circuit Shitty/wherever. Lastly, had I gone to work, I would've had to leave early because my wife had to pick up our son, take him to the pediatrician for his 1 yr old visit, and then leave to go to class well before I'd be home on a normal day.


Shared on Wed, 08/23/2006 - 13:32

Doctors Visit and a Gameplay

So I've got some condition where occasionally, like every 2 months or so, I experience a very loud, very high-pitched ringing in my right ear and some vertigo.  The intensity ranges from having to lay down for several hours before it passes (and missing work, not being able to drive, etc.) to it being mildly annoying.  I visited a physician last month, who said it's probably a growth on my audio nerve or Ménière's Disease.  He sent me to see an audiologist, which I did today, and it wasn't happy news.  I have moderate high-frequency hearing loss in my right ear, which is inconsistent with Méni


Shared on Tue, 08/22/2006 - 09:05

Work, Game, and Online Storage

I create and maintain applications and databases for research studies.  At work, I often tell people that I make the wheels, I don't turn them.  That's necessary since others seem to think I'm also involved in the daily use of my applications instead of creating and updating them.  Lately, though, I've seemed to have become more involved in using them than I'd prefer.  We provide study information to an organization that gives us money to do studies since they appreciate knowing how we're spending their money.  The data have to be organized a certain way in order for them to put it into their


Shared on Thu, 08/17/2006 - 12:58

Semi-New Game

Going through my files today, I ran across a pretty good game of Fire and Neks vs. Bioslayer and me on Warlock.  Sure we lose, and my BR is god awful at times, but it's still an enjoyable game to watch.  It's pretty tight most of the game and we take the lead near the middle, but then Fire and Neks start playing more as teammates and take over at the end to win 50-42. 

Left click to download the 104MB file

As always, comments are appreciated.


Shared on Thu, 08/17/2006 - 07:59


Well, seeing as how DS and doodi were nice enough to add a background feature to our blogs and everyone else is using them, I thought I would, too.  Simple?  Yes.  Awesome?  Hells yeah.


Shared on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 11:45

Back to Work

Well, things are mostly back to normal.  We got back from the Outer Banks on Saturday and the house was still there, although there was a business card on my door from a Brinks Security representative.  So right away we're wondering who got robbed.  The answer: the residents of 5108 Kemmont St.  We live in a brand new development, and theirs is the first house to be burgularized.  I found this very curious because anytime I stay home from work, I'm convinced that I'm the only person in my complex that actually has a job.  Holiday or not, my neighbors are washing their cars, walking the dog, pl


Shared on Fri, 08/04/2006 - 12:44

Leaving on Vacation

I'll be away from Saturday, August 5th until the following Saturday.  We're packing it up and heading to the Outer Banks, NC for a week of food, beer, water, and sun!  I also plan on sleeping a lot since my wife's parents will be eager to play with their grandson.  See you all when I return!

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