J-Cat's blog


Shared on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 13:51

Have Internet.... No Spawn as of Yet

Holy hell... what to say?

We finished moving. Erica was great during the whole thing. Mom and I had the kitchen, livingroom, dining room unpacked in one day. As of now the only place left to unpack is basement and storage. I am considering in 6 years raffling off each box for $10 each. But you don't get to open them. You may find something valuble, it may be textbooks. It would be very amusing for Sean and I to watch.


Shared on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 13:51

Have Internet.... No Spawn as of Yet

Holy hell... what to say?

We finished moving. Erica was great during the whole thing. Mom and I had the kitchen, livingroom, dining room unpacked in one day. As of now the only place left to unpack is basement and storage. I am considering in 6 years raffling off each box for $10 each. But you don't get to open them. You may find something valuble, it may be textbooks. It would be very amusing for Sean and I to watch.


Shared on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 16:06





(guess what? I'm on mat leave)

And I move houses on Monday... I'm either elated or insane!


Shared on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 16:06





(guess what? I'm on mat leave)

And I move houses on Monday... I'm either elated or insane!


Shared on Tue, 07/27/2010 - 08:14

Seriously People: Can my man get a W00t W00t?!

As some of you may know, my man is also known as Down Goes Brown: he writes a hockey humour blog. A blog that just got picked up by a NATIONAL FUCKING NEWSPAPER:


That journalism degree didn't go to waste! So if you are Canadian: pick up the paper copy... supposedly he's printed in there too.


Shared on Tue, 07/27/2010 - 08:14

Seriously People: Can my man get a W00t W00t?!

As some of you may know, my man is also known as Down Goes Brown: he writes a hockey humour blog. A blog that just got picked up by a NATIONAL FUCKING NEWSPAPER:


That journalism degree didn't go to waste! So if you are Canadian: pick up the paper copy... supposedly he's printed in there too.


Shared on Mon, 07/26/2010 - 15:34

Ahhh... football...

I was checking out this bloggity post (take a look: it's a bit of news and insight by a fellow 2o2per...)  about Madden and the Carolina Panthers and why the author is excited about the NFL season. Warning... the link contains a picture of a very tight cheerleader's ass. Don't say that the JayCat didn't warn you.


Shared on Mon, 07/26/2010 - 15:34

Ahhh... football...

I was checking out this bloggity post (take a look: it's a bit of news and insight by a fellow 2o2per...)  about Madden and the Carolina Panthers and why the author is excited about the NFL season. Warning... the link contains a picture of a very tight cheerleader's ass. Don't say that the JayCat didn't warn you.


Shared on Sat, 07/24/2010 - 19:49

In Air Conditioned Splendor!

Huzzuh! The AC was fixed on Friday. Turns out that there is a cover over connectors in the AC unit. This fell off, and this year there are a ton of earwigs. Earwigs+electricity = dead AC and earwig. At least I killed one of those little fuckers.

It was a VERY quick fix... i.e. the guy was fiddling around withthe AC unit, came inside to check the furnace and if came on by itself. The ex-earwig had falled  out allowing for the connection to occur. He replaced the little connector unit: and alls well that ends well.


Shared on Sat, 07/24/2010 - 19:49

In Air Conditioned Splendor!

Huzzuh! The AC was fixed on Friday. Turns out that there is a cover over connectors in the AC unit. This fell off, and this year there are a ton of earwigs. Earwigs+electricity = dead AC and earwig. At least I killed one of those little fuckers.

It was a VERY quick fix... i.e. the guy was fiddling around withthe AC unit, came inside to check the furnace and if came on by itself. The ex-earwig had falled  out allowing for the connection to occur. He replaced the little connector unit: and alls well that ends well.

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