Malice's blog


Shared on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 15:21

Expanding Horizons

So there has been alot of talk in the halo forums and in general about how this site is made to meet people and to play, expand your horizons.

To some extent I agree, I have met some great people on this site and enjoy talking with them on a daily basis, but in recent weeks I have stopped playing with some that I hold in high regard, part of this is my WOW addiciton (I got to level 54 this weekend, it takes forever to level at this point so I'm getting frustrated with the the whole damn thing.) 


Shared on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 11:39

Our First ladder Match

So Profanity played our first ladder match:

It didnt go as well as we would have liked for the first 2 games we played a man down, 3 vs 4.  Soup couldnt make it because its kinda our motto that family comes before a game and we would rather play than give up a forfeit.  Luckily he made it about half way into the second game but we couldnt come back for the win.

Here are the links to the games:


Game one: Ball on lockout


Shared on Sun, 06/11/2006 - 12:08

Saturday Night Tourney

Well its the first time since MLG Dallas that our team got back together and into a Tourney

We have reorganized a bit having Speedbmp join the team and it went pretty well for our first time playing together in almost 3 weeks.

Our line up now rolls as




and Myself


We went 6-3 and our loses all came from CTF on Sanctuary, fuck that map, lol.

But more importantly the games were all close and fun.  Good times


Suck it


Shared on Mon, 05/22/2006 - 15:30

MLG Dallas

Hey what can I say, we showed up, and played our best given the situation.


Highlights of my weekend

We walk into the venue to suprise suprise, timmies, everywhere. ;; I felt alien, out of place, and as Drost said I wanted to grab the closest one and beat the crap out of them for all the bad matchmaking experiences. ;; Revenge would have been sweat bliss.



Shared on Mon, 05/01/2006 - 18:42

Curling Ears

Picture this your six months old, just starting out in the world.  Learning the in and outs of your social interactions, whos the highest on the pecking order and making sure you leave them alone.  Learning why you and your mom run towards the sound of the truck horn.  The little things.


Shared on Sun, 04/16/2006 - 15:40

Montage, of sorts

Been working on a Montage of sorts,  its about half way done.  Got the music, several clips that I think are quality so now all I need to do is start to put it together.


Should take me a couple of weeks to finished product, using only Windows Movie Maker.

Im to cheap to buy a better program, lol

So some of you can look forward to being movie stars....I will keep you updated on the red carpet premier.



Shared on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 17:18

Dreams of a National Champion

So the ranch had a new addition the other day,

Wish I had a pic, damn good bitch, but hopefully I will have a nice portrait of her under the National Western Logo with the Grand Champion Banner held behind....

Its a goal my family has been striving for for several years. ;; I think we are getting close with the calf crop this year.

Only time will tell, just need to keep her healthy and growing and we will have a shot.

Oh yeah, you can

Suck it



Shared on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 20:00

Politics and Me, a not so happy union

And National governments are the cause.  Yes I said it, and as uninformed as my opinion may be its still mine, all mine.  I normally dont dive into the political debate to often because I have found that my views are not always welcome, that being said here we go.

Here are a few of my views that normally dont go over to well in my part of the good ole USA.  (Oklahoma)



Shared on Tue, 03/21/2006 - 12:08

Insomina Sucks

Its quite simple really, I try to sleep but sometimes Im denied.  It sucks I actually enjoy being asleep, its my time to escape, not worry about daily life.

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