Dreams of a National Champion


Shared on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 17:18

So the ranch had a new addition the other day,

Wish I had a pic, damn good bitch, but hopefully I will have a nice portrait of her under the National Western Logo with the Grand Champion Banner held behind....

Its a goal my family has been striving for for several years. ;; I think we are getting close with the calf crop this year.

Only time will tell, just need to keep her healthy and growing and we will have a shot.

Oh yeah, you can

Suck it



Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 17:31
goody, another one i can spoil!!!
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 18:49
uh...First off. I did not know you lived on a ranch..That is kinda cool. Second, I am assuming you are talking about a cow in your post? Third, if you get this national championship, does your cow (assuming it is a cow) get its pic in a national cow magazine or something? And does she get a huge signing bonus or some extra hay or something? ;)
okjerm's picture
Submitted by okjerm on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 10:37
Malice, forever perpetuating the stereotype of Okies all living on ranches and knowing more about cows than what steaksauce to put on them.
Malice's picture
Submitted by Malice on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 11:10
umm, jerm you dont put steaksauce on a good steak, lol
Malice's picture
Submitted by Malice on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 11:12
LB, yeah Im talking about a heifer (ie female bovine who has yet to have offspring) so yes a "cow", lol And if she does win she will have her picture in the Hereford World, my breeds national mag. And most def she will get as much hay and feed as her little heart desires.
okjerm's picture
Submitted by okjerm on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 16:23
...and some cracked black pepper, some garlic, a side of grilled onions. "Eat steak, eat steak, eat a big ol steer. Eat meat, eat meat do we have one here."

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