Politics and Me, a not so happy union


Shared on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 20:00
And National governments are the cause.  Yes I said it, and as uninformed as my opinion may be its still mine, all mine.  I normally dont dive into the political debate to often because I have found that my views are not always welcome, that being said here we go.

Here are a few of my views that normally dont go over to well in my part of the good ole USA.  (Oklahoma)


Legal and regulated, and better yet taxed!  And Im sure that wont go over well with some of the 2old2play crew as well, but lets think about this problem for one brief minute and then you guys can flame all you want.  First off, im tired of my tax dollars going to fight a "war" on citizens that, neglecting their use of drugs, follow the laws of the land.  Now before you get all pissed off and say "What about the people who kill, or cause violence for their drug of choice?"  I would like to ask "would that be a major problem if the substance was legal?"  My answer is NO, this would not be a major problem because most of the violence associated with drug use stems from deals gone wrong, territory of illegal drug dealers, etc...

Am I saying that this is the fix all of a huge problem, no its just my opinion on the situation.  Additionally I would like to point out that addicition is a disease, and that some are more prone to additiction than others, and that there is a genetic link to addiction in families.  Im just saying that things are not working with our present policy and should be looked at for improvement.  (By the way the reduction in drug use over the past 15 years is due more to education than regulation, people will use if they want to its as simple as that.)

While writing this I decided to do some research on the cost of the war on drugs, the most recent figures that I could find spawn from 2002 when we as a country spent more than 100 billion fighting drug use, I can think of several ways that the money could be better spent.

2. Umm, Seperation of Church and State...

   When did this disapear?  I know a little harsh, but Im not a religious person however I respect the right for people to worship however they choose (thats kinda the point behind freedom of religion).  I just dont want to walk into my local court house and see the Ten Commandments on a mable statue, to me it doesnt belong there, and is insulting to those of other faiths that are citizens of this country.  But again thats my limited view.

3.  We need serious election campaign finance reform

Im sorry but this is getting ridiculous, and encourages corruption within our political system.  No longer are we even a representive democracy, but more a corporate democracy, and yes I made that word up.  But its the truth most of our elected officials are up for the highest corporate bidder, or special interest group.  No longer are our elected representivies bound to those that they represent, it is a fault line that will break in the future without preventative measures.  Im calling for open revolt, no just kidding but it needs to be looked at in the near future. (unfortunately it wont happen, again money = power)

4.  Why are we the world police?

   This is the last topic and then I will get off this soapbox that I found.  But Im not for us telling other nations what they can and can not do, for the most part its hypocritcal in reference to arms build up for we have the most powerful and plentiful bounty of nuclear weapons in the world.  Maybe we should start leading by example instead of bullying others, just a thought.  Isnt that the job of the U.N?  And please you dont have to inform me that the United Nations is as backboneless as the common jellyfish, but perhaps its time for that entity to evolve one.  I also understand the merits of the argument that if we dont do it who will, but does that really justify the means, or the bullseye that is created by such a practice?  To me no it doesnt.

Sorry it was a rant, if you actually read all that, I say thanks for your time.  If I pissed you off, I say your entitled to you opinions just as I am, its the one thing that is still true to the founders of our nation.

So Flame away if you must



Lonewolf's picture
Submitted by Lonewolf on Thu, 04/13/2006 - 23:19
Lets see short and simple why are we world police because we are the worlds superpower, and what everybody doesnt have the stones to do or money for that matter, they ask us, and then usually bitch about it later.
Malice's picture
Submitted by Malice on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 13:07
Good point lonewolf, but we dont have to say yes, lol
Deathmark's picture
Submitted by Deathmark on Sun, 04/16/2006 - 16:03
Great points. I think that I agree with all of them.
Castlemonster's picture
Submitted by Castlemonster on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 20:09
Agree with some, disagree with some, but either way, well written and a nice read! thanks for posting.
Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Fri, 04/07/2006 - 09:36
Dude, you sound like a Libertarian!  Join the party!  Seriously, if you dont know anything about Libertarians you should read up on them.  I think you would find that your views match up pretty closely.One part of your post I will certainly agree with is the drug issue.  Evidence that the violence will stop when drugs are legal comes straight out of Prohibition.  Nobody was killing each other over the right to distribute booze until it became illegal.  Once it was made illegal, mobsters like Al Capone came along and started killing each other because of the huge profits that were available on the black market.  Then Prohibition was repealed and the problem went away.  When is the last time you heard about somebody killing someone else over the right to distribute Budweiser?  Doesnt happen.  But, you may say, arent some people killing and stealing to get enough money to support their habit?  Wont that continue?  Not if drugs are made legal and the price falls through the floor.  Drugs are expensive now because of all of the trouble the producers have to go to getting their product over here.  They lose tons of their product to law enforcement, and there are middlemen at every step of the way who each need a cut, jacking up the price.  If drugs become legal to produce and distribute, cocaine could be as cheap as a bottle of asprin.  And of course, once you are hooked on an illegal drug, your supplier can jack up the price to screw you.  But beer costs the same whether you are a raging alcoholic or just a social drinker.Now, dont get me wrong here.  I hate the effects of drugs and what they can do to mess up a persons life and the lives of those around them,  but there are other legal substances that do exactly the same thing. (cough...Alcohol...cough)  Why can I legally sit at home and drink myself into a stupor, but I cant toke a bowl or do a line?  Ive never tried drugs, and I never will (legal or otherwise), but that is my choice.  Why on earth is my government involved in controlling what I put in my own body?  There is no law against drinking bleach, snorting baking soda, or grinding pepper into my eyes (all of which would be hazardous to my health).  Im all for responsibility and personal accountability.  If someone says, "Hey, cocaine is legal, and it can make you feel really good, but it has some terrible side effects and could ruin your life" then it is on me to make a decision about whether or not I use cocaine.  I cant see any logical reason that currently illegal drugs couldnt be distributed and regulated in the same way as alcohol and tobacco.  Why are we going through Prohibition Part 2?  Didnt we learn anything the first time?
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/07/2006 - 10:15
thats my brother!!

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