The LAN Cometh. March to Awesome Town.

The time is finally here as we enter into LAN week for our 5th Chicago get together since the LANs humble beginnings only 4 years ago. Find out more about this event, what to bring, and what to expect from your first LAN experience.

First off I just want to say how great it is that we were able to sell so many tickets in the current economy. Nobody likes to be reminded of our current economic state, but it really is a testament to how much people love the LAN and being a part of 2o2p. For all the people that couldn't make it this year, we hope to see you next year.

For those that couldn't make it

Just like last year we will try as best we can to cover the LAN as it happens. More then likely this will include a live stream of the LAN on both the home page and the LAN page at We invite all members to take a view at every thing that goes down at the LAN so they can see join in on the fun. We will try to get as many events on camera as we can, but keep in mind there is a lot of running around going on so some things might be left off screen.

Also if you didn't grab a ticket but still want to help the cause, please feel free to head on over to and click the donate button. All proceeds from the LAN go to Child's Play Charity in order to help give sick children better lives and a touch of happiness. We know times are tough, but 2old2play has always proven to have a heart. Last year saw more then $2,000 raised for Children Memorial and my hope is that this number will be even larger.

Check List for LAN

If you did manage to get a ticket then just remember now is the time to go over all the stuff you need to bring. 55 monitors will be present as stations for the LAN, but you MUST bring your own consoles in order to fill those spots. We always say do not rely on others to bring the games, controllers, cables, and consoles, because before you know it there will be nothing there to play.

Also remember to label ALL of your gear as things have and will get moved around from time to time. We also seem to lose one or two things during a LAN so keeping a watch on your gear is a good idea. Some masking tape and a sharpie should be more then enough to get you by without issues. If you want to be even more hard core about it feel free, but just remember that other members will play on your console from time to time. As we know consoles do red ring so keep that in mind when you are jumping from station to station.

We also need those extra items from the closers members in order to have enough to network, power, and connect all the stations. If you need to know what else to bring, you can head over to the Chicago Lan Forum and click on this thread for more information. Basically and Cat5 Cable, power strips, speakers, or VGA Xbox cables will help us tremendously. If you don't have those items do not worry, we will run out and pick up whatever is left over.

Update all your games! You wont believe how many people forget to do this at home and it ends up causing issues at the LAN. There is a net connection, but assume it will not be available to you. There is no way to hook up 50+ xbox's to one stable internet connection so its best if you do this all at home. That includes new maps, patches, and downloadble content.

Finally, don't forget your cash. I know this sounds simple enough, but you wouldn't believe how many people end up paying out the ass for cash station fees because they do not have enough on them. Remember this is also a vacation and more then likely you will partake in the kickassness (a new word) that is Chicago. That means food, beer, and do not forget the raffles and events for charity.

Events at the LAN

Don't forget this years LAN is going to have some of the same events that we saw last year. That includes the Rock Band Rock Off and the $1,000 Halo FFA Tournament. Times are subject to change, but both of these even should be held on Saturday. Make sure you are around as both will be first come first serve for all members. The same plan will go for the raffle. We did a lot of good last year and made most of our charity money via the raffle so we encourage people to sigh up and give what they can. The raffle will close the LAN Saturday night so stick around.

See you all there. Travel safe!

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