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Tue, 06/11/2013 - 09:19
Lala Calamari's picture
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Grex sent me this leveling guide for the Guardian.   Guardians are great for support in WvW.  Those, Elementalists and Mesmers.  We can never have enough of those.

Tue, 06/11/2013 - 12:28
Sherb's picture
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Got my Ele up to 74 last night.  Spent an hour and a half or so last night running w/ a bunch of fellow PACTies following Sir Craig in MBL.  With the triple PC doesn't like large squad vs. large squad battles.  Starts stuttering like a mofo.  I usually prefer running in smaller squads anyways.

Just purchased my lvl60 skills book, and have been directed to a Ele build guide by a fellow guildmate.  Hopefully I can start becoming a little more survivable.  Once I hit 80, I'll probably start looking/crafting for my final exotic armor.

Going to start making some donations to the guild as I get some extra funds, as we have to rebuild after having our guild bank wiped clean by a hacker.  145

One of these nights I may try running with you, if you don't mind a noob.  161  I'll shoot you a whisper.

Tue, 06/11/2013 - 13:42
Lala Calamari's picture
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Ele's are great in zergs or roaming but you'll need seperate specs/builds for either one.  Roaming / small groups go with Dagger/Dagger.  For zergs get a staff and spec for support and AoEs.  

Try to find Novus on EB and run in that zerg.  AoE in every encounter to tag the enemy.  You should get a ton of loot bags, thus getting badges of honor.  You can buy Exotics cheaply with badges.  I bought all my Exotic armor and Weapons with badges for my Necro (will do with my Guardian).  I then traveled to Orr and used Karma to buy the needed trinkets (earrings, amulet and rings).  All I needed was Runes for the armor, Sigils for the weapons and upgrades for the trinkets.


Also, don't forget food buffs.  You'll probably want to use Tuning Crystals and maybe a toughness food (for now).  

Tue, 06/11/2013 - 16:26
Sherb's picture
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I'll have to try D/D again.  I tried it once before, but didn't care for it too much.  I'll have to keep my eyes open for some new ones now, as I think I sold/recycled them a little bit back.  141  I've been primarily staff.  I wish Eles could have a weapon swap like most other classes.  152

I'll probably have to see about dropping back down to a single screen if I continue running w/ zergs.  Going to take some getting used to the loss of peripheral vision again.

I've been working on my cooking crafting (lvl33 warrior), so I usually have some of those kicking around.  I need to research some recipies though, so I can make the best use of my resources.

Tue, 06/11/2013 - 20:05
Lala Calamari's picture
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Screw that, buy it off the TP and be done.  

Wed, 06/12/2013 - 09:58
Sherb's picture
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I always forget about TP....  53

I'll have to pop in and see if I can find anything reasonably priced.  I'm lucky if I have 2G in my pockets at any given time.  151

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 12:25
Sherb's picture
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Finally hit 80 on my Ele this weekend!  140  I know, trivial for most, but a big deal for me.  Now to work on acquiring my armor.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 13:16
DasBoba's picture
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Grats!  I had an [Agg] D/D ele hand me my ass on a platter 2 times in a row last night.  I was running my 1v1 phantasm spec at the time which is nearly unbeatable in 1v1s.  I couldn't believe how bad he beat me.  I invited him to group and chatted for a few mins.  He turned out to be a nice guy and very highly skilled.  What stats are you going for on your armor?

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 14:19
Sherb's picture
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Definitely build on anti-squish (Toughness/Vitality), beyond that, haven't looked too much into it yet.  I'm typically a staff user (fire/water) for support & AoE in WvW.

WvW for me is still just something for a change of pace.  though if I am running with the right group, it can be quite fun.  The next step for me on the Ele (aside from acquiring armor) is to work toward map completion so I can partake in all of the guild events and various world events we tend to congregate at.

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 08:34
Lala Calamari's picture
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WTF is going on over at PACT?  I heard the Guild Leader quit and quit the game.  We have a lot of them (GL and officers) in sF since they used to run a lot with us.  

Mon, 06/24/2013 - 14:07
Sherb's picture
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Officially, he's burned out.  He's going to spend time in some other games.  I haven't heard anything in TS to the contrary.  I was seldom around during the same times as he was on, so I've had very little direct interaction with him.

This was his "retirement" post, if you haven't seen it prior (

For the last 9 months I have put in over 2700 hours of gameplay into GW2 averaging about 10 hours every day in game, I do spend a lot of time outside of the game working on the forums, or having meetings in TS to make PACT the best guild it can be.

I have lost my motivation recently and it has become a chore to log in GW2, I have ran all the dungeons to death, farmed countless hours, obtained a legendary weapon, made 6 lvl 80 toons, and have come to the point that I can't find much interest in the game.

Also due to some other events that have occurred I have decided to leave GW2 until I feel like I can again come in and have fun. I will still check in with everyone on the forums and TS, but as for GW2 I will be leaving.

From this point on I am no longer part of the administration or leadership of PACT, for my own reasons I have also decided to leave the guild, but PACT has came a long way from when it was fist started and it is being left in good hands. I know that the admins and leaders will do all the can to keep PACT alive and active.

I will be playing Rift while I work on getting back to work and hopefully will be getting into ESO when it releases because I am a big Elder scrolls nerd XD

I consider you all friends and I am glad to have had the time I have spent with you and look forward to having even more of the times to share in the future! If there is anything I can do for you let me know and I will see what I can do.

I love you all!

Wed, 06/26/2013 - 14:26
Lala Calamari's picture
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I think my time of Fort Aspenwood is coming to an end.  The community is very toxic, too much fighting between the guilds.  Our WvW population is dwindling and as a server we're unable to recruit new guilds.  Even my current guild's WvW group has dwindled to 5-10 people a night.  I'm mainly a WvW player and I'd rather just find a new server that's active.  I never was a fan of FA from the moment I transferred.  The only thing that sucks is my guild most likely won't transfer and I'll miss a few people that I play with.  


A few of us are going to move to Jade Quarry.  So if you still play and are looking for active 2o2p'ers, hop on over to JQ and shoot me a message.

Wed, 06/26/2013 - 14:42
Sherb's picture
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Bummer.  You gotta do what you gotta do.  WvW is your thing, if it isn't fun for you anymore, I can't say I blame you.  Always worth trying other pastures.

I'm still primarily PvE, so PACT is fitting my needs for the moment.  I still got you on my friends list, so I'll be sure to give a shout if/when I jump ship.

I can't spend much time in the FA forums...ugh, so many trolls.  And I've already muted one of the commanders on the FA TS channel.  151  And that was w/in the first halfhour I was on there.

Wed, 06/26/2013 - 15:02
Lala Calamari's picture
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That's what I'm talking about.  The FA Community  has been a mess since I've transfered and I only see it getting worse.  If I have to start over, I'm not sure I want to do it there.  I'll miss the guild I'm in, I did really enjoy running with them.  But the truth is that most of the guys have left the game.  Even the 2 guild leaders.  They dumped that responsibility on me and I'm just not interested in it.  We have another guy that runs the PvE side of things and he can just take over.  

Wed, 06/26/2013 - 19:51
beefynutcase's picture
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Yeah, FA was a disappointment from the start.  Never enjoyed the WvW on that server, just seemed a mess from the day I transferred there.  I'm digging the game again but not enough to pay money to transfer.

Thu, 06/27/2013 - 13:12
Lala Calamari's picture
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I will probably be playing this for the summer or until the new consoles ship so I'm not too concerned.  20 bucks (or whatever it is) to actually enjoy the game is worth it to me.  A shitty movie and popcorn at the theater costs the same and that's only 2 hours of entertainment.  I'd rather play where I'll have more fun.  PvE can be done anywhere with guesting.  FA will never be as good as it was when we switched.  The community forums are a cesspool, the guilds bitch and fight and no one wants to work together.  FA is losing guilds as they transfer and they are just unable to recruit new ones.  

Add in the fact that I have to rebuild sF's WvW community.  I've been trying to recruit for about a week and just have been unable to get anyone interested.  I did get 3 new people, 2 of which quit already.  I was never interested in running the guild, I sort of inherited it.  

Anyway, I just can't do FA any more.  I can't be on a map with [SIC] (Brother Alaric), [RET] or [GODS].  I just can't

Thu, 06/27/2013 - 13:37
Sherb's picture
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Yeah, I stay away from [GODS].  Brutus is the one I've got muted.  I was trying to follow Sir Craig around one night, trying to listen to his directions as to what he was doing, and Brutus starts spewing random rap BS making it hard to hear what the hell was going on.

That's probably a big reason I avoid the zergs (that and my triple monitors brutalize the poor video card when you get a 40vs40 open field battle going on).  I enjoy WvW more when it's 5-10 guildies running around knocking over supply camps, dolyaks, gaurds, the occasional lightly defended tower and pinging doors.  Sure we get rolled by the zerg occasionally, but it's more gratifying.  Figure worst case, it gives enemy something else to distract their attention other than trying to focus solely on tracking our zerg.

Thu, 06/27/2013 - 18:56
Lala Calamari's picture
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We've ninja'd Hills, Bay and almost a Garrison with 5-7 people.  Sucks building a ram running to get more supply to get the 2nd.  But the tension is great.

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 09:32
Lala Calamari's picture
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WvW is a night and day difference on JQ than it was on FA.  The cohesion and unity between the guilds is amazing.  Plus Scouts, they actually have scouts.  Even better, they defend what they own.  FA was only able to cap and run.   If you're into WvW in the slightest then it's worth it to switch.  FA's WvW community is a cesspool, too much fighting and figure pointing.  I'm glad to be past that.

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 09:32
Lala Calamari's picture
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By the way, we all joined a big guild over on JQ.  Guys we used to run with on SBI.  We also started a small guild if we decide to run some havoc shit.

Mon, 07/22/2013 - 17:35
Sherb's picture
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Having fun wiping us this week?  154  Pretty stiff schedule for us up against both TC & JQ.

Been an interesting week.  [APS] (I think) got into some shit on reset night for plugging up 50 slots to just have all their guys throwing a "party" inside a tower, not doing anything productive to the cause.  And it looks like one source of drama is leaving today...sounds like [GODS] finally pacted up and left/leaving.  Can't say I'm going to miss Derv and  the shit he was always starting/stirring.  114

Tue, 07/23/2013 - 13:09
Lala Calamari's picture
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It was a brutal battle last night.  FA and TC really worked us on our BL.   

I do find it funny that all the "Great" guilds of FA really do suck. We've steam rolled SIC and RET with pugs.  I can not stand those two guilds at all and take great pleasure in killing them.  I think they were the true cancer of FA.  Sure Derv and GODS sucked but the guild leaders of SIC and RET poisoned FA's WvW Community and are part of the reason I left the server.

I didn't hear about the APS thing.   You can't mess around on reset night, it's balls to the walls from the moment you get in.  We already have 15 supplies and a plan to hit X, Y and Z.

Tue, 07/23/2013 - 14:15
Sherb's picture
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Self-proclaimed greatness.  161  One thing I noticed, those 2 tend to look after themselves, and that's about it.  A week ago I diverted from where I was going to help out a RET guy that was outnumbered on the Krait Isle (FABL).  I ended up dying, but was able to extend the fight long enough for a couple more of his guildies to show up.  Once the fight was over and they cleared the island, they went about their buisiness leaving my body on the shore.  Going to think twice before I go out of my way for them again.

It's funny, some of the guilds that are always talking "Bring on the fight", have gotten their wish they've been raving about.  And now they've gone quiet.  151  I was on EB for a couple hours last night.  I spent most of the time defending Dorios Tower with a couple guildies, extending out to the east supply camp and skirmishing w/ a 5 man squad from JQ.  We also kept clashing with a 3 man TC squad that kept knocking over the sentry.  Those guys were funny though, as long as they had you outnumbered, they'd make a push.  If we had 3 guys just walk outside the tower toward the bridge, they would turn tail in the blink of an eye.  We didn't have any commanders leading any charges.  I think it was mostly militia banding together here and there.  A couple guys were trying to control a couple larger defensive groups roaming around the map.  

With a little luck we may be able to pick up a GODS member or two that don't want to jump servers.  I know we've had a couple guys joining us in our TS over the past week.


Wed, 07/24/2013 - 09:24 (Reply to #54)
Sherb's picture
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Sherb wrote:

With a little luck we may be able to pick up a GODS member or two that don't want to jump servers.  I know we've had a couple guys joining us in our TS over the past week.

Or they were in there trying to pull key members away from the guild.  152  I guess we've had several people recieve enticement proposals from some [GODS] members to jump ship to [GODS] when they get situated at DB.  I guess we had an emergency officer meeting last night.


Wed, 07/24/2013 - 12:28
Lala Calamari's picture
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TC will not engage unless they have over whelming numbers.  They will always run.  I never understand either, it's not like repairs cost much.  

As far as the RET and SIC, don't help them.  They will not help you.  And I can't stress how easy they are.  We wiped SIC with pugs so many times, same with RET.  And forget it when SF comes out in force.  As for "We play for the fights", they're so shortsighted.  If they capped a keep or tower, they'd get fights and help the server.  Those 2 guilds are a cancer to FA's community.  There will never be cohesion with the guilds as long as they are around.

Has PACT ever thought of moving servers?  JQ's community is night and day different than FA's.  The guilds all work together towards the common goal.  It really is a much nicer experience.  I can put your Guild leader in touch with some of the servers main representatives and I'm sure they'd help with transfer costs.  It's something to think about.

Wed, 07/24/2013 - 12:44
Sherb's picture
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I'll run it by Chef and he can bring it to the other leaders to see if there is any interest.  Being that we are predominantly PvE still (There are probably only a dozen of us that show up in WvW on a somewhat regular basis), the WvW drama doesn't affect a very large percentage of the guild.  But judging by how reluctant they were about running joint events & chat servers w/ sF, I don't think a lot of them like change.

Mon, 07/29/2013 - 12:37
Sherb's picture
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Been a fun (and brutal) week so far.  I've been running w/ 3 or 4 other guildies this weekend, playing against the normal FA tactics.  We've actually been claiming, fortifying & seiging a tower as ours, along with trying to provide support to a couple nearby supply camps.  Been having fun with it.  We actually held a tower for nearly 6 hours on reset night.  We were able to repel on 30 man JQ assault around 3:30 in the morning.....but they came back about an hour later w/ half dozen golems (incl 3 Omegas) and pretty much steamrolled through after calls for help went ignored by the RET cmdr (who was milling around in Hills planning a raid on Bay).  I've been enjoying this a lot more than running around in a mini-zerg.

We were making a pretty good showing on reset, until JQ SEA woke up.  Then the map turned green.

Tue, 07/30/2013 - 13:47
Lala Calamari's picture
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JQ has some solid coverage and it only got better this week.  We just got in a full guild for NA prime.  While they're WvW newbs, they are bodies on the battlefield.  Hopefully they'll hit the ground running.


I saw FA lost a big time commander.  Z the Bored.  He's in JQ now but I'm not sure if he's staying or not.  That's a tough one for FA.  I also noticed a new guild on FA, RAM.  They're unique.  They definitely stay on the tag very closely.


DB has been a big disappointment this round.  I thought they had better coverage.

Tue, 07/30/2013 - 14:07
Sherb's picture
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Yeah, [RAM] is pretty new to us.  I've heard some good stuff about them.  One of the guys in my party was following them on a raid, and he sounded impressed.  Definitely a boost for us.  The loss of Z is definitely a bit of a shot.  He was a very good militia commander from everything I've heard.  I think we just picked up a new EU guild.  That will definitely help for coverage there, even though they are only 15-20 bodies, it's more than we have in a very shorthanded coverage slot.

Turns out the loss of [GODS] wasn't nearly as big of a deal as first thought.  Sounds like it was mostly recruits that went with Derv.  As and added bonus, I guess there is a bounty on his head.  1G w/ confirmed screenshot.  154  He's already been tracked down a few times.....and lead to RQ 3 times in 1 day!  60  Pretty funny considering most guilds that leave have well wishes to them upon departure.  Most of the core stayed and formed [BOSS]

And if you hadn't heard, [WET] (Craig & Brutus' guild) are in the process of transfering to SoR.  Their guild name was busted by Anet, and is now [DIE].  

We're still hoping to catch DB this week.  We'll see though.

Tue, 07/30/2013 - 17:50
Lala Calamari's picture
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Losing Craig and Brutus is no loss.  Only thing Brutus did was clog up Teamspeak with his annoying self.  He wasn't any good.  Same with Derv.  He is a fucking retard.  We'd leave the map if he came on it.  All he was good for was to supply the other teams with bags.  

I think Drigan is really trying to get the community in order.  He'll never accomplish it while Alaric and Stawker are so vocal though.  

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