New Releases: Week of July 14, 2014

So I messed up and I apologize. I totally forgot to put this article together when we got home from camping on Sunday. I started putzing around the house getting things done that needed getting done and my 2old2play duties slipped my mind completely. I am sure this will come up in my annual performance review and I accept that. If I have slighted you in any way shape or form please leave a comment below. The editors would like empirical evidence to place in my file as well.

Well enough about my soon to be short lived career at 2old2play...lets get to what matters: The games coming out this week! (spoiler alert...there’s not much)


Wayward Manor

Release Date: July 15th
Platforms: PC,Mac[width=650,height=366]

I don’t usually start this column off with a PC game (let alone one coming out for Mac as well) but this one has my attention. Created by LA-based The Odd Gentlemen (Flea Symphony, The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom), Wayward Manor is award winning writer Neil Gaiman’s first foray into games. If you are not familiar with Gaiman’s work, he has written some of the most interesting stories in comics/graphic novels. His work on Sandman and American Gods is fantastic


Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planewalkers 2015

Release Date: July 16th
Platforms: PC,iOS, Android, Xbox 360,Xbox One[width=650,height=366]

I feel like I should like not only the original card Magic card games but the video games as well. I have tried. Probably not as much as I could or should but I just can’t get into them. That doesn’t stop me from appreciating them or watching over the shoulders of real players and admiring the patience, sheer amount of memorization of stats, and skill needed for these games. To those of you who play these I take my hat off to you and I am here to inform you that on July 16th you will be able to play Duels of the Planewalkers 2015.



Release Date: July 15th
Platforms: PS4[width=650,height=366]

A remake from 2003, Crimsonland has been on on PC since June 11th but is now available on the PS4 as a twin stick shooter. This game reminds me a lot of the original arcade game Berserk or more recently SKA studios I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES !NIT!!!1. Not sure how much it’s going for, but those kind of games are great for when you just want to pick up and play.


Abyss Odyssey

Release Date: July 15th
Platforms: PS3, PC, Xbox 360[width=650,height=366]

Abyss Odyssey by Atlus is a side scrolling platformer/action game in the vein of Castlevania. Pick your class of character, grab a friend for some same couch co-op and chase down some evil!


Slim pickings this week but hey it’s nice outside so go for a walk, a bike ride or play catch or frisbee with your house. What? You’ve never done that? Thrown a ball up on the roof and then run to catch it before it rolls off?  Set up a target on your house and try to hit it with the frisbee?

I used to spend hours doing that...maybe I’ll go do that with my kids right now.

Chunky out....side!

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