E3 2014: Dragon Age Inquisition Update

Updates on the upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition from E3 are in and they are exciting. You are an Inquisitor traveling through an open world of fantasy and uh… inquisition. This 3rd person dynamic RPG allows you to lead and a team of four inquisitors who can be outfitted with the latest in Inquisition and dragon slaying technology.


Tasked with the objective of bringing the war between the Templars and the Mages to an end while having badass dragon fights and gathering plants for some, as of yet, undisclosed reason (this game may be set in Medieval Colorado and your inquisitor is just gathering weed, err, seeds for the upcoming storm), you will undoubtedly have your hands full with countless hours of game play.

You don’t always bring wars to an end but when you do, you slay dragons too! Stay slayer my friends!

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