Chroma is Coming: New Music-driven FPS from Harmonix

In a strange coincidence yesterday, after firing up Dance Central 3 for the first time in ages, I finished my workout, and checked Twitter to find Harmonix had just announced a new game and is looking for signups for a closed Alpha.


From the press release:

“Today, Award-winning developer Harmonix announced an original free-to-play, music-driven, first-person, multiplayer shooter for PC-Chroma.”

That sounds like maybe combining too many things at once, but the trailer does look pretty cool.

One of the game features is “Music is your weapon” so  I’m holding out hope that I can vanquish enemies by making them play Nickelback songs repeatedly. Its awesome ideas like this that will totally get me picked for the Alpha right?!

Harmonix is partnering up with Hidden Path entertainment (of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive fame) on the title. The game is for PC and the closed Alpha is Steam only. The full game is due to be available some time in 2014.

My favorite quote about the game in the press so far is Harmonix Publicist Nick Chester’s to PC World:

“Just let people know its not a dubstep shooter.”

For more information on the upcoming game, check out:

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