Gaming News

New Releases: Week of September 8, 2015

 It's a bit of a slow week for releases as we enter the gap between convention season and mid-fall when the holiday season games start dropping every week but a couple big standouts drop this week:

Top Ten Shortest Legs in Gaming

 Every real gamer out there has discovered "that game" where the multiplayer is so addictive that you play it every night for four months.

New Releases: Week of July 17, 2015

It is literally too hot to be alive. It's too hot to go anywhere, it's too hot to go to work, it's too hot to go on vacation.

The RPGs of Summer

The same thing happens every summer: we get a little burst of activity from devs and publishers around E3, and then nothing bu

New Releases: Week of July 27, 2015

The House of Soup is finally on vacation! One week of camping out at the lake and one week of putzing around the house. Re...lax...ation!

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