Spring Stryker LAN - Summary & Pics


Shared on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 08:05

Attendees: Stryker927 (& Mrs.), Big0ne, x Trinity 71 x (aka Mrs. Big0ne), Castlemoster (& Mrs.), Grim Reaper BTB, dkhodz, Webmonkee (aka trupundit), MTK005, |x| CMA |x|, JRock3x8 (& Mrs.), Darbyfrag, and Sum1Btr

Well the spring STRYKER LAN has come and gone. But not without leaving us with some wonderful memories and experiences. A weekend of video games is never a bad thing. Throw in some good friends and some good food and you might find nirvana! :)

Things started on Thursday night with several arriving early to fully take advantage of a long weekend. Mrs. Stryker made lasagna for everyone Thursday night. But I got home late so it took FOREVER to cook. In the meantime, we decided to run to the store to find some things to finish out the LAN IDs. So Big0ne, Trinity, dkhodz, and I hopped in the car and headed to Meijer up the road.

I wanted to start our trip off right so I put in my Gwen Stefani CD forcing everyone to endure several tracks on the way. I think Trinity almost jumped out at one point but we talked her down. LOL It had rained all day but fortunately we walked into Meijer dry. We proceeded to the office supply/scrap booking area thinking we would find what we needed but after a thorough search they didn't have the rings we needed to attach the lanyards to the IDs. But we were able to purchase a pack of pink tennis balls, pink shoe laces, and Trin picked up a cool 4 pack of Star Wars mini fig Stormtroopers to put at her desk around monitor. You go girl! More on the pink tennis balls and shoe laces later. ;)

We started walking back to the car and got just out the door when it started raining CATS and DOGS! We got to the car just in time. However when we ran to Staples and Office Depot to find the lan id pieces, we got soaked! Oh well, we laughed and had fun anyway! :D Finally at Staples we found something that would work and headed home to eat some delicious Lasagna.

Grim arrived from New Jersey around 8:30. Took him about 12 hours to get there due to some weather and traffic. We watched the Peyton Manning SNL skit over again cuz a few people hadn't seen it. At 9:30 Mr. and Mrs. Castle arrived from Arkansas after about a 9-10 hour drive. We had a nice time of just talking and getting to know one another. CMA was due to arrive at 11 or 11:30 but hit some weather and traffic. He called and let us know it would probably be 12:30. So DK headed home, and Big took the Castle's to get settled in at his place. Grim and I setup and started running some R6 while we waited for CMA. He arrived around 12:30 and we got him setup as well. We played until about 2 am and Grim and I finally retired for the evening. CMA stayed up until 4 am playing! No wonder he was clamoring for Starbucks on Friday. :)

Friday morning we all met for breakfast at Orginal Pancake House. Big ordered an enormous pancake/cake looking thing smothered in apples and cinnamon. Most of us just ordered the special, two eggs, three pancakes, and two meats. Good stuff. Then it was off to Big0ne's to load up TVs and grab the remaining equipment. Thankfully he had brought some over on Thursday so this was a pretty light load. Thankfully we had plenty of help in loading the tvs.

We then got back to my place and hooked everything up. Ran all the cables, got the switch connected to my network, and ran some Halo 2 and COD2 to test it out. Everything worked! :) Then it was lunch time. Hmmmm....Friday lunchtime at Stryker's....where should we go? Well duh! Buffalo Wild Wings of course! :D

Right before we left, I got a text from MTK, he had just landed and hooked up with Mr. & Mrs. JRO. I gave them directions to B-Dubs and they were on their way. Of course lunch was great as usual. DK won the trivia game we all played and Mrs. JRO (playing under my tag) took the final hand of Hold Em.

Well we decided to go walk off our lunch and pay a visit to Fry's Electronics Superstore. If you have never been to one, it's worth the trip. It's like the Home Depot of Electronics. Add in a Staples, Circuit City, an appliance store, and a restaraunt and you are starting to understand it's sheer size and offering. Monkee got into town about that time and met up with us there. It was about 4 or 5 and we figured it was time to head home and start to get ready for the LAN. but we first needed to stop and pick up some more food and supplies.

So Monkee, CMA, Castle, and I headed to Kroger. CMA got his favorite 2-liter and snacks. Castle picked up some Blue Moon, ice, and BBQ sauce. And Monkee got his supply of Diet Pepsi, fruit tray, and a veggie tray. (monkee took our level of class up two notches in the food deptartment) :D

By 6 pm we were all settled in and getting our game on. Darby and Sum1Btr arrived shortly and got setup as well. By 6:30 we were ready to get the LAN started "Officially". before getting started a few things had to be discussed. JRO had a Thank You card for myself and Big0ne that was very nice. And had a gift card to B-Dubs for myself and a MS Points card for Big. (THanks guys, you didn't have to do that). We then decided it was time to explain the "LAN CAJONES!" The LAN CAJONES are two pink tennis balls hung on each end of a pink shoelace and are signed by everyone in attendance. They are then passed from person to person after each game, to the one that finished with the most points/scores/kills. They were a subject of much amusement. See the pictures for such examples. :D More on who wore them the most in a bit. :)

Friday night was a wonderful mixture of pizza, gaming, excellent cookies (thanks to Trin and MTK), and fun. We played H2, R6, and Gears until about 1:30 in the morning. We had a great time. There was also some MLB 2k7 and Mini Golf thrown in for good measure. :) Finally we all retired for the night.....but not for too long.

By 9 am, we had breakfast started at my place. Grim woke up to the smell of bacon. And CMA found his way down shortly there after. About 9:30 the rest of the crew showed up. We had everyone return on Saturday except Darby and Sum1Btr who had things to attend to. Bacon, Sausage, omelets, biscuits & gravy, pancakes, and scrambled eggs. YUM, YUM!

Weather here in Indy was great once we got past a little rain on Thursday and a light sprinkle on Friday. Saturday was gorgeous. Sunny and in the 70's. So we decided on a little field trip was in order. We loaded up and headed for downtwon to the canal walk. But not before we stopped at Starbucks and let everyone get their caffiene/wake up fix. After getting their "MOCHA FRAPPuciNO!" or what have you, we were on our way. We took the scenic route on the way down, to see all the really neat old houses on the north side of downtown. 50-100 years old mega homes. Many different styles, fountains, and gated entries.

We parked downtown at a hotel that is on the canal (which is free as long as the hotel doesn't have an attendant watching their lot. :) We then visited the hotel so everyone could visit the bathroom before we headed out. The "MOCHA FRAPPUCINOS!" work fast. :) We also got some awesome pictures off the hotel balcony of the canal behind it. We noticed right away that all the fountains and waterfalls on the canal were down for spring maintenance, kind of a bummer but there is plenty to see otherwise. There are some great pics of this down below as well.

The canal was built before the rail road really took off and was meant to connect the white river to fall creek and eventually the lakes of Michigan as a means to bring in and take out goods. However it was not totally finished due to the rail road taking off. In the 90's, the city finished it and built walk ways, lighting, fountains, waterfalls, condos, hotels, and such all up and down it. Making an awesome place to visit. Families, couples, joggers, and bikers. You can also rent paddle boats and gondolas for some fun in the water. My kids love it. And Saturday was no exception for how awesome it was walking down the canal wondering through downtown, museums, and such.

After our walk we headed to the heart of downtown and settled in at Champps sports bar/grill for a light lunch (still full from breakfast) and to catch a portion of the NFL draft. Also some great pics below of our lunch. We then went into the mall and picked up some cookies and shakes and ate them in the Arts Garden overhanging the intersection. This is also seen in the pics below. After that, we walked back to the cars and headed back to my place. The girls went to the mall from there and the boys got some more gaming in. Some Halo2 and R6.

About 6:30 we fired up the grill and got started grilling some wings. Castlemonster did not let us down and made some of the best wings I have ever had. Thanks for the wonderful wings and the "butt rub" Castle. ;) Added in was my Stryker Bakes Beans (yum) and my wife's fried sweet corn! Afterwards we enjoyed trinity's wonderful cheesecake ball. And more of her and MTK's cookies. :D

We then settled in for more gaming, this time more diverse with Pocket bike, mini golf, billiards, and UNO. Trinity kicked everyone's tale at UNO and won her first CAJONE of the weekend! LOL We then returned to more H2 and R6.

About 8 or so, CMA headed back to Ohio since he had to be up early on Sunday. The rest of us gamed until about 1 am and then we started breaking down. The gaming was finally over for the weekend. We tore down all the tables and packed up cables. Castle loaded up his tvs and equipment. And Big grabbed half of his since he could come back on Sunday and get the rest. Grim and I stayed up chattin until about 2 am and then finally crashed ourselves.

Sunday morning, Grim left around 8:30 and Castle left Big's around 10. After church, I picked up MTK and we met Big at Moe's Southwest grill for some lunch. Afterwards we headed back to my place to grab the last few things of Big's. Which also happened to be the heaviest TVs. But MTK was very helpful and we got them stowed back to Big's in no time. We then proceeded to take MTK to the airport at 2:30 for his 4:15 flight back to DC. I went home and then crashed. And was in bed asleep by 9:30. All in all a great weekend and one of the most fun LANs we have had to date.

Special Thanks
- To my wife for always being so gracious in allowing me to take over the house for a weekend with all my buddies. She said she had fun this weekend and enjoyed hanging out with everyone.
- To Big0ne as usual for the equipment, setup, tvs, and willingness to help. Doing these lans would be so difficult without his help.
- To Trinity for the awesome munchies and desserts. For giving me Big0ne to use and abuse all weekend. And for being such a saint/angel. See the pic of Big on their wedding day. Also, sorry for overwhelming you with Gwen on Thursday. heheheh :)
- To everyone that drove or flew so far to be a part. (MTK - DC, Grim - NJ, Castle - AR, JRock - Chicago, Monkee - Cleveland, CMA - Toledo) I am humbled that people would come so far to be apart of something like this. I enjoyed you all so much. And would ask ALL of you back in the future. And you are all welcome in my house anytime you are ever in town.
- Castle for bringing his tvs and making us the most amazing wings! :)
- JRO for picking up MTK for us.
- DK and SRTBrad for allowing us to borrow your disks.
- CMA for making 6 straight LANs and as our first and most consistent out-of-towner. :)
- Angela (Castle's wife) and Julie (JRO's wife) for doing an awesome job of helping me with the cleanup of breakfast and dinner.

Memorable Moments:
- Random things blurted out/repeated at the LAN:
* "Birch Trees! YES! Very nice!"
* "Because I'm better than you!"
- Person with the most Cajones: CMA (of course, Stryker was 2nd, and Big and Grim had third)
- Memorable mental pictures:
* CMA with the cajones hanging from his belt, tea bagging the ground. I think we might see an avatar coming from MOnkee on that one. :) (see pics)
* Me chainsawing Castle in person (see pics)
- Other Worthy mentions:
* MTK's nickname ("bleeding" liberal)
* Grim nickname (redneck republican)
* Stryker nickname (Geico lizard)
* Grim declaring via JRO's XBL account that he is "coming out of the closet" :D
* The MTK sign that the JRO's made for the airport.

Pictures: There are over 120 pictures posted to my Photobucket. I am going to try and post as many as I can. This post is already probably one of the longest yet - let alone pics. :D

Friday Morning - Loading up TVs at Big's

CMA helping loading TVs at Big's

Castle pulling a hamstring (or worse) at Big's

DK securing a TV in his jeep at Big's

Big's computer Monitor

Big's TV we left in the basement :)

Lisa's TV we left in the living room

Big's Pool table

Proof that Lisa is an angel :D

Setting up back at Stryker's - My TV :D

Big running wires

More setting up

CMA helping with the setup

The office filled with tvs!

Gerbils in the office in on the fun!

CMA - helping test out the connections

Big forgot how to smile

It's Grim!


Mr. Castle

Your gracious host.

JRO picking up MTK at the airport

He found MTK!

Lunch at B-Dubs

Mr. and Mrs. JRO are here!v

MTK at B-Dubs

A little tour of Frye's

Castle doing some Guitar Hero while MTK and JRO rock out!

Monkee has arrived!

Mrs. Castle getting ready to head out with the girls Friday night.

Castle waiting for the fun to start

Gerbils are wondering "What the heck is going on?"

JROCk getting setup

JRO gives Big and Stryker a Thank You card :)

Grim waiting for the bullets to start flying

Big0ne tests the cookies and all appears safe

CMA takes the CAJONES for a test drive

They appear to be in working order

LAN is on and Big and Grim are all ready to go!

More Big and Grim

MTK and Castle are engaged

Monkee rocking on Stryker's big screen

Stryker has the CAJONES now!

Stryker catches Castle unaware and slices and dices him!

Saturday - headed downtown

Quentin TarranJRO

We are parked and on our way!

We are at the canal

Mr & Mrs JRO

Sniper Spawn (Gears) :D

Stryker getting his R6 on! LOL

Historical Society

State Museum

NCAA Headquartersv

Da boys

Stryker finds true love

Headed to the mall

Lunch at Champs

Brotherly Love

JRO Promises Mac-n-Cheese



Looking for dessert

Dessert at Nestle/Hagen Daz

Heading Home - Mr & Mrs Stryker

And Castle

More Saturday Evening Gaming - Castle wearing the Cajones


Saturday Night Dessert - Trin's Awesome Carmel Apple Cheesecake ball

Look for more pics too from Webmonkee and Big0ne!


twistedcaboose's picture
Submitted by twistedcaboose on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 08:47
I keep threatening to come to this, I'm really gonna have to try, unless it's and OMM thing.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 09:03
Thanks for hosting Styker! It was great as usual.
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 09:08
Phreak, you are always welcome. Its not just an OMM thing. We have had 2o2pwn many times and a few others represented. :)
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 09:50
Good times, Good times!!!!

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