Looking for pick up and play luvin'


Shared on Tue, 05/25/2010 - 16:21

Ok, since I have a new comp (though not much free time) I figured I would look into clans.  I still have some outstanding 2o2p folks on my FL from back when I was active here (you guys and gals know who you are) and would be looking to add some more, I guess.

I'm not a big fan of any 1 game genre and prefer variety, so if all a group is going to play is MW2 then that's not what I consider a good time.  Likewise if you see I'm online and in a party playing Sacred 2 (for example), spamming game invites for something else and then getting ticked off at me because I declined doesn't sweeten the deal either.  And yes, I've had some less than pleasant clan experiences.  :)

Conversely, I bring to the table a good team attitude and the desire to have fun moreso than wanting to win all the time.  Don't get me wrong, if we're playing with the intention of succeeding I will give it my best shot but I can live with just horsing around and having a laugh.  I may even be sober now and then.

So if you have any suggestions on whats good around here I'm willing to listen.  Its mostly about the people anyway...I'm the kind of guy who went to the LAN one year and spent more time talking with people than I did gaming.


Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Tue, 05/25/2010 - 18:32
We'll hook up for some Red Dead one night if you want. I don't have Sacred 2 anymore. I mostly play Red Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 these days.

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