(insert witty blog title here)


Shared on Tue, 05/25/2010 - 01:49

So after a brief hiatus from society that has featured many 12 hour working days and a car accident for good measure, I finally get around to a new blog.  I also got a new computer about 2 months ago, so yay me.  This sucker hums.

Since I am having a lot of trouble sleeping lately (many factors involved there) and have to get up for work in 2 hours, I will keep this kind of short for now.

Did I totally blow the call on Lost or what?  Not that it matters, the speculation part was all about having fun with the show and not about being right.  And in true fashion of the show, the finale on Sunday night will take some time to digest to figure out exactly what it was we saw.  I'm ok with a lot of things never getting explained.  Really, I am.  Whether its because the producers couldn't decide on explanations or whether the plan was to let us interpret our own meanings all along, I enjoyed it.  And while few specific answers were given I have this sense of general understanding, and that honestly works for me.  All in all I came away from the final episode feeling satisfied.  And after all, the show always was about the characters anyway, wasn't it.  When the Jack/Faucke situation was settled with more than 45 minutes left in the program I think it spelled out quite clearly what the true focus of this series was.  The entire series is coming to bluray in August, and I will be making the purchase on day one.

Been playing a little Red Dead Redemption, and while I like the game overall in true Rockstar fashion the driving absolutely sucks.  I just wonder if the same apologists who defended the driving in GTA4 by saying the driving physics were realistic (which if you drive like the dumbass the caused the accident I was in, I guess they were) will make the same claims that the "horse physics" are realistic too.  Whatever, I tend to shoot my horse from time to time out of frustration...so I guess its not all that bad.  I also have developed this weird (sad?) habit of capping everyone else's horses as they pass by.

Probably more to blog about, like the gun threat at work and all kinds of other fun stuff but like I said..gotta get up for work soon. 


TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Tue, 05/25/2010 - 08:04
First, you truly have issues with horses!!!! :) As for LOST. I think it would have been tough to sum up the series to everyones liking. I thought it would ultimately be Hurley that became the new Jacob, because in both timelines he was good and always tried to help everyone. Most were good and bad behaviors. I was taken aback when Jack stepped forward to be the new Jacob, because it seemed too straight forward and obvious. Anyway, Great series, with a good ending!

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